Follow these two easy steps to get relief from heel pain

Home Remedies: If you also have a complaint of sudden severe pain in the heel while walking, then this news is for you. Yes, the pain of this sudden heel is out of tolerance, which can only be understood by the person who has suffered it. I do not understand how to deal with such trouble at the same time. The reason behind heel pain can be due to high cholesterol affecting the blood supply or you can also gain weight due to this pain. In such a situation, you can take the help of massage to deal with this.

Get relief from heel pain like this
By the way, massage is used to get relief from all kinds of pain, similar measures can also be done for heel pain. Due to which your pain will disappear in a moment. There are two easy massage methods to get rid of heel pain. For this, many types of oils are also available in the market. You can get relief from pain by massaging the heel with its help.

first way
Keep applying strong pressure on the sole of the foot with the thumb of both the hands from the fingers to the heel.

second way
In another way, by tying a fist, a circular massage is done on the heels. This will give you instant relief in pain.

Take special care of these things

  • You must keep in mind that there is no guarantee that you will get relief from the heel pain with this massage from the root or not. However, you will definitely get rest for some time.
  • You sit in such a way during which there is no problem in massaging and your fingers reach the ankles easily.
  • If you want, you can use any cold and effective oil for massaging, which will help you in reducing your pain.
  • While massaging, keep in mind that you do it for 5 to 10 minutes only. Massaging too much can also have a bad effect.
  • You can also use a tennis or cricket ball for foot massage. For this, sit on the sofa, chair or bed, now put your feet on the ball and apply pressure, you will start feeling relief in a while.
  • Many times there is excessive pain at some point in any part of the heel. During this, do not put too much pressure there, instead of relaxing, the problem can increase even more.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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