Food For Anti-Ageing: 7 Fruits And Vegetables to Consume Everyday For Anti-Ageing Benefits

As people age, their internal and external bodies deteriorate, leading to serious health problems. Including fruits and vegetables can have significant benefits!

Foods for Anti-Aging: 7 Fruits and Vegetables to Eat Every Day for Anti-Aging Benefits

Anti-Aging Foods: While you can’t stop aging, you can influence how it happens. The good news is that you can improve your skin if you commit to eating healthy. We are what we eat, and practically every problem can be treated and prevented through proper diet. It shines when you get enough antioxidants, lipids, water and essential nutrients. Therefore, some anti-aging foods can help you delay the onset of aging symptoms and maintain a youthful appearance.

Nutritionist Anjali Mukherjee said, “Aging is inevitable. And with the addition of our irregular and stressful lifestyles along with environmental factors, premature aging is becoming more and more common. However, including natural substances in your diet can slow down and stop the aging process as you go through life. Of course, this doesn’t mean you’ll live forever but you’ll certainly stay healthy and delay or avoid most of the problems that come with age.

7 Foods That Have Anti-Aging Benefits

  1. Cabbage: A powerful antioxidant that prevents skin cell damage and protects from the sun’s harmful UV rays. To get the most benefits from cabbage, eat it raw or very lightly cooked.
  2. Carrot: Rich in beta carotene and orange pigments, it helps lower blood cholesterol and boosts the immune system to fight diseases. A cup of carrot juice a day improves eyesight and can reduce the risk of lung cancer even in smokers.
  3. Grapes: Rich in resveratrol and vitamin C, grapes offer anti-aging properties and prevent skin cell degeneration. A glass of purple grape juice a day also prevents clots in the arteries.
  4. Orange: It is rich in antioxidants that help fight cancer, lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
  5. Onions: Another vegetable rich in antioxidants that prevent clotting in the arteries and increase the level of good cholesterol.
  6. Parents: Rich in vitamin K, spinach strengthens the walls of your blood vessels and reduces the risk of lung cancer and heart disease. Being high in water content, it also helps prevent the onset of wrinkles and cataracts.
  7. Tomatoes: Due to the powerful antioxidant, lycopene, tomatoes are known to prevent esophageal, stomach and colon cancer. The good news is that cooking and canning don’t destroy lycopene, so tomatoes in all forms—juice, sauce, and gravy—are easy preservers of youth.
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Therefore, it makes sense to eat a lot of them every day as a natural anti-aging remedy, as this strengthens the immune system, prevents chronic diseases and reduces calorie intake because fruits and vegetables are low in fat.

Published Date: November 21, 2022 1:18 PM IST


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