Fortify Your Forearm Strength With This Simple Drill

Most of us spend most of our time in the gym focused on blasting our biceps and burning our triceps, but we don’t focus on our forearms.

Sure, we can do a few sets of hammer curls every other workout and consider it a high-impact forearm day. But aesthetics aren’t the only downside to omitting this prominent muscle: Weak forearms can result in lower performance in exercises that require grip strength, i.e. deadlifts and rows, which are important for strength and elbow strength. overall size.

However, this simple exercise, called a long-lever forearm rotation, can easily place some much-needed focus on your forearms. In accordance with men’s health fitness director Ebenezer Samuel, CSCS. An added bonus: Long Lever Forearm Rotations can be performed virtually anywhere and with any type of long handle, like a broomstick.

You also don’t need a lot of weight for this exercise to be effective. You’ll just need a light bar to be placed in one hand in an offset position, creating a challenging lever to rotate your forearms against.

How to Do the Long Lever Forearm Rotation

●Grasp a bar in your hand. Keep it tight.

●Rotate the bar back and forth, left to right, over and over again.

●Repeat for three sets with each arm for about 40 seconds.

The movement is different from how most people train their forearms; According to Samuel, most exercises tend to curl the wrists up. With long lever forearm rotations, we rotate at the elbow, forcing our forearms to work harder than normal to allow the rotation to occur; the long-lever side is stealthily heavier than you’d expect, he warned.

Do these rotations slowly, which will force your forearms to maintain control. You can increase or decrease the difficulty level simply by moving the bar closer to or further from its center.

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