Foul smell coming from plastic lunch boxes? These methods will make the launch box smell free in 5 minutes

Kitchen Hacks: Often our children go to school with plastic lunch boxes. But after a few days of use, the lunch box gets stubborn stains and foul smell starts coming from the lunch box. Does not remove odors and stains from detergent or dishwashing soap. In such a situation, we are telling you some easy tips, with the help of which you will make the lunch box clean and smell free in minutes

Baking soda-How to clean the plastic lunch box You can also use baking soda for this. For this, heat water in a vessel. Add 3 spoons of baking soda to it and mix it. Then dip the lunch box in this water and leave it for some time, take it out and wash it with clean water, this will make your lunch box clean and smell free.

Coffee-You can also use coffee to make plastic lunches smell free. For this, apply coffee powder in the lunch box and rub it for some time and keep it like this for 5 minutes. After this, washing the lunch box with clean water will make the lunch box completely smell free.

Bleach –You can also clean and deodorize the plastic lunch box with the help of bleach. Can free from. For this, mix liquid chlorine bleach in water and dip the lunch box in it and keep it for some time. Then wash it with clean water. The lunch box will become smell free immediately.

Vinegar-When vinegar is present in the house then what to worry about. Using vinegar can also make a plastic lunch box clean and smell free in minutes. For this, mix vinegar in a glass of water and put it in the lunch box and leave it for some time. After some time clean it with liquid detergent. This will make the lunch box completely clean and smell free.

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Salt and lemon-You can also use salt and lemon to remove the stains and smell from the plastic lunch. Can. For this, mix two spoons of lemon juice and two spoons of salt in one liter of water and mix it well. Now heat this water lukewarm, after that put the lunch box in this mixture and leave it for about 5 minutes. After 5 minutes you can clean it by rubbing a brush with clean water, the smell will also go away and your lunch box will also be clean.

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