From cult to chaos: The surprising downfall of F45.

“I go to a studio that is owned by a very dedicated couple, who really care about the well-being of their clients,” she said.

“They offer extra training sessions for people to get their technique right, and lots of extracurricular activities for people interested in that sort of thing (from organizing city2surf to trivia nights at the pub). I’d be bummed if they went out of business.” . because I can’t think of anything worse than going to a conventional gym with a million people.”

As Talia tells Mama Miayour experience with F45 really depends on the individual franchise.

“I’ve been in two different F45s and the experiences were very different,” he said.

“The first time I went to F45, the coaches were excellent. They were very helpful and made sure when you started you didn’t push yourself too hard and just learned the basics and technique and got into the groove. I was going four times a week for over two years and as I progressed they really started to push me and to be honest I needed it. All the trainers were very approachable and always helped adjust a drill if I was injured.”

“The second I went, I hadn’t done any proper training for a long time. The trainers were shit, and they didn’t even introduce themselves to me or ask about my experience. They were really out of class. Not a vibe. Didn’t go back.” .

The fundamental problem with F45 is that it doesn’t seem consistent in its approach to safety and customer education.

It could be said that it is a numbers game. While there are people who can attend F45 safely and enjoy it, without getting injured, the concern is the number of people it attracts who are not physically ready for what they are doing, which is ultimately a problem.

What will happen to F45?

Despite the turmoil and massive losses, F45 executives seem confident that the fitness empire will come out the other side.

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While F45 has a remarkable business history and still remains one of the largest fitness brands globally, if trends continue to change (and they will), and F45 loses more and more customers, franchisees may abandon the company. brand. Sense? F45 may be left struggling to find replacements.

If the last twelve months have been anything to go by, only time will tell.

What are your thoughts on F45? Share with us in the comments section below.

Featured Image: Instagram/@f45

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