From mole to change in weight, these 5 common ‘warning signals’ of cancer are seen in youth

Cancer Warning Symptoms: Cancer is such a dangerous disease, whose symptoms are usually clearly visible after the condition worsens. Recognizing its initial symptoms proves difficult for everyone. Most of the symptoms of cancer appear like common problems, so people do not recognize them on time. Although many people take small symptoms seriously and get it treated on time, so that they avoid its risk.

A research suggests that less than 50 percent of youth aged 18 to 24 are able to pay attention to the five common warning signals of cancer. If you are seeing these 5 symptoms, then it means that you should immediately get a doctor examined.

New research by the Teenage Cancer Trust has found that young people are not properly aware of the symptoms of cancer. They ignore many such symptoms, which are very important to be identified on time. The most commonly recognized symptoms of cancer among 18 to 24-year-olds are lumps, lumps, and swelling. Although 56 percent people are still unable to identify it.

5 common symptoms of cancer in youth

1. Lump, lump and swelling

Check every part of your body that there is no lump or unnecessary swelling there. Also see if there is any lump in the breasts or testicles. The best way to detect lumps is to examine your body properly while taking a bath.

2. Sesame

It is common to have mole on everyone’s body. But you should know that many times these moles create the risk of developing cancer. Sesame can give shelter to cancer cells. If you are seeing any kind of change in your body, such as size, shape, color, bleeding, itching or crusting etc., then never take it lightly and see a doctor immediately.

3. Sudden change in weight

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If you are avoiding bad food or exercising fiercely then weight loss is common. But if you are not doing anything to lose weight and your weight is continuously falling then it is a matter of concern. On the other hand, if the weight is increasing rapidly then it is also a matter of concern. Because some tumors cause an increase in weight.

4. Fatigue

Cancer uses your body’s nutrients to grow. This is the reason why these nutrients do not contribute to your physical health. That’s why you may feel more tired.

5. Persistent Pain

Pain in any part of the body tells us that something is wrong. Cancer Research UK believes that it is normal to experience pain as we age. But unexplained or persistent pain anywhere in the body can be a sign of a serious physical problem.

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