Gabriele Burgholzer Displays Strength in Sport and Service

Imagine being at the Arnold Sports Festival and being among the best in the world at your sport preparing for competition. Gabriele Burgholzer knows that feeling well. At the 2022 Arnold Pro Strongwoman contest, Burgholzer was highlighted as one of the 10 strongest women on the planet to compete in Columbus, OH.

Burgholzer came in eighth place, but Burgholzer’s connection goes far beyond just being a simple contestant. The Austrian native feels a connection to her host, Austrian native Arnold Schwarzenegger, even known as the “Austrian Oak.”

“I almost want to say that I followed in his footsteps a little bit because he also left Austria to go abroad and make a name for himself,” Burgholzer said.

Burgholzer spent his entire childhood in Austria. In his home country, men must join the army before going on with the rest of their lives.

“In Austria, it is compulsory for all men to serve in the army for a couple of months to get the experience,” he said. “So, my two brothers, my father, my grandfather, my great-grandfather, etc., all served in Austria.”

SFC Camacho, David @nachoochosix or @david.thecreative


After graduating from high school, Burgholzer came to the United States in 2007 to be an exchange student. Because she loved being in the United States so much, she chose to stay here permanently. However, she wanted to do more than just live here. She wanted to show her appreciation for the country she now calls home. That’s why she signed up for the United States Army.

“I’ve been given a lot of opportunities here that I think I wouldn’t have been given in Austria. I just wanted to give back to the community. I wanted to thank the US in a way for letting me be and staying here, and for all the opportunities they have given me.”

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Burgholzer has been serving in the United States Army for nine years, and his current rank is Staff Sergeant. His travels have taken her from Fort Jackson, South Carolina, where he reported to Basic Training, to Texas, North Carolina, and even Hawaii. She is currently stationed at Fort Knox, KY.

Honors he has received include the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, three Army Commendation Medals and more. In February 2019, she tried out for the US Army Warrior Fitness team. Since August of that year, she has been the only strong competitor on the team. Burgholzer wasn’t involved with fitness when she was growing up, but she has become passionate about strength and power.

“I tried my hand at bodybuilding, but discovered that it was not my forte. I preferred lifting heavy objects rather than looking good on stage.”

Gabriele Burgholzer's deadlift truck tires attached to a bar
SFC Camacho, David @nachoochosix or @david.thecreative


The strong woman’s sport turned out to be the right choice for Burgholzer. She entered her first pageant, a local competition, in 2019. By 2020, was crowned America’s Strongest Woman.

“I used to be frowned upon being a strong woman and they have big muscles. So, (the cheers) got me going and kept me going in that direction, and I haven’t stopped since.”

Gabriele Burgholzer went on to place second in the 2021 America’s Strongest Woman contest the following year. Her first international competition came when she competed at the Arnold in March 2022. Sergeant Burgholzer explained the feeling of representing her new home country in an international competition under the bright lights of Columbus.

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“It felt amazing. It was an incredible honor,” she shared. “If you told me that I would compete with the best athletes in the world in my sport and represent both Austria and the USA on that stage, I would think you were crazy. It’s a memory I will treasure forever.”

Burgholzer may not have won that contest, but there are sure to be more international contests to come, and she’ll be ready. In addition to her dedication to her training, her service and her work in the Army has also served as an advantage in preparing her mentally.

“I think as soldiers or any service member, we are taught from day one to have discipline. I think that for any sport, that is one of the bases that you have to have. You have to be disciplined throughout your training, your diet, your sleep, everything to be in top shape,” she explained. “I really thank the Army for helping teach me that discipline.”

Gabriele Burgholzer wins the Americas Strongest Woman competition
SFC Camacho, David @nachoochosix or @david.thecreative


Gabriele Burgholzer made it clear that he was referring to discipline and not motivation, because as all competing athletes know, motivation may not be there every day.

“Just like in the military, there are some things you have to push yourself to do, there are days when you have to do that in the gym as well. There are always good days and bad days.”

After the Arnold contest, Burgholzer had to undergo multiple surgeries that have prevented him from returning to strength for the time being, but he will be back and already has goals in mind. One of those goals is actually in another sport: weightlifting.

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“I want to set the world record in the bench press. I recently hit 325lbs and have no technique at the moment. So, I’m working on that and hopefully I can break the record in my weight class, which I think is 380.”

Gabriele Burgholzer attributes much of her success in strength and life to the military, and feels that everyone should understand what it is like to serve this nation.

“In fact, I think everyone should serve in the military for a couple of years. It has really helped me learn more about myself, improve my discipline, and has given me an opportunity to see a bigger picture of what service members do for this country,” she explained, “It has also given me an appreciation for the freedom that we all get to have. So anyone considering joining please do so. Obviously, do your research to find which branch is best for you.”

In addition to being one of the best in her sport, she wants to be one of the best in her sport. Burgholzer wants to encourage more women to get involved in strength sports in general so they can get stronger.

“To all women, not just in the service, but to all women, join me in a sport of strength. Don’t let society tell you what you should look like or what you’re supposed to lift or not lift. Come and join me.”

Follow Gabriele on Instagram: @gabi_theaustrianoaktress

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