Garlic in Winters: 8 Unbelievable Health Benefits of This Easily Available Kitchen Herb

Health Benefits of Garlic: Garlic is an incredible choice for your health, especially during winters as it is packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

Winter Garlic: 8 Incredible Health Benefits of This Easily Available Kitchen Herb

Health Benefits of Garlic in Winter: Winter is here and with it comes the common cold, flu and many other seasonal ailments. To help maintain immunity and internal nutrition, health professionals constantly advise changing our diet as the seasons change. A winter diet should always include hearty meals, aromatic herbs and spices that promote general health. Speaking of which, garlic is one of the most accessible foods in the kitchen and is packed with vitamins, minerals, calcium and iron. Did you know that before it was used to enhance your favorite dishes, ancient societies used garlic in the form of medicine?

Garlic for winter: 8 incredible health benefits of this readily available kitchen herb

  1. Garlic helps prevent cold and cough
  2. Garlic helps in weight loss
  3. Garlic improves respiratory health
  4. Garlic helps in reducing high blood pressure
  5. Garlic helps prevent heart diseases
  6. Garlic helps in lowering cholesterol levels
  7. Garlic helps promote skin and hair health
  8. Garlic helps detox the body

Garlic, when chewed or crushed, helps increase the ability of white blood cells to fight viruses like colds and flu. Garlic helps prevent you from getting sick in the first place, but it also shortens the duration of your illness.

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Published Date: November 30, 2022 10:43 AM IST


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