Get glowing skin this summer with these 3 packs made of lotus flowers

Lotus For Glowing Skin: Lotus flower has more benefits than it is beautiful to see. It is very beneficial for health as well as skin. For those who want to improve skin tone during summer, lotus flower is no less than magic. It helps in reducing wrinkles by bringing natural glow to the skin. The anti aging elements present in it nourish the skin. It maintains the complexion, reduces pimples, extra oil from the skin. The anti inflammatory elements present in it skin rashes Also reduce the problem of acne. Due to the presence of Vitamin A, it helps in keeping the skin young and healthy for a long time. Let us know how the lotus flower is used on the face.

lotus flower and milk

Applying lotus flower mixed with milk gives a natural glow to the skin. To use it, break the leaves of lotus flowers. Now wash and grind these leaves. Now prepare a paste by mixing raw milk in this paste. Leave this paste on the neck and face for 15 to 20 minutes. After that wash the face with normal water. Regularly applying lotus flower on the face in this way will improve the skin tone.

Lotus flower and sandalwood powder

Sandalwood powder is considered to be the best for improving the complexion of the skin. If lotus flower is mixed in it, it becomes even more effective. By applying this, along with improving the complexion, the problem of fine lines and wrinkles can also be easily removed. To use it, break the leaves of lotus flower, wash them and grind them. Now mix sandalwood powder and two to three spoons of raw milk in it and prepare the mixture. Leave this paste on the face for at least 10 to 15 minutes, then wash the face with normal water.

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lotus flower and turmeric

Applying turmeric mixed with lotus flower makes the skin spotless. The problem of pimples, spots and freckles can also be easily removed. To use it, pluck and wash the leaves of the lotus flower and grind it. Now prepare a paste by mixing two pinches of turmeric powder and two spoons of raw milk in it. Now keep this paste on the face and neck for 10 to 15 minutes. After that wash the face with normal water. By doing this regularly, the complexion improves with the arrival of natural glow.

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