GMB’s Susanna Reid shares her weight loss tricks without exercising

good morning great britain host Susana Reid, who was missing from the breakfast show on Monday, June 20She has shared how she lost a stone and a half without exercising. With a few little tricks, Susanna has managed to lose weight without exercising.

Susanna said she realized she wanted to lose weight after the second lockdown when she went to the doctor for skin problems. She was surprised to find that she was in the upper end of the BMI range for her height and was advised to lose some weight.

The star said she doesn’t work out and actually stopped going to the gym because she was hungry. She explained, “I stopped going to the gym, I found I got too hungry…I leveled off, I lost a stone and a half and that’s enough, and I don’t go to the gym.” .”

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One of Susanna’s tricks was cutting up the sandwiches. Normally, the presenter gets up at 4 am to appear on the breakfast program and this meant that she was eating more.

She said: “[Hunger] can creep up without you noticing, I found that waking up so early in the morning has a kind of energy deficit.” [weight] very fast”.

Another trick of Susanna’s was to cut down on alcohol. Although Susanna has not completely eliminated alcohol from her diet, she has.

Since 2018, Susanna has stopped drinking alcohol excessively. She said: “I’m sleeping better… I don’t have any anxiety. I don’t miss for a minute that fizzy feeling in your body in the morning, which meant I couldn’t quite wind down all day after a big night out. “

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Susanna is among several celebrities who reveal their weight loss techniques, including James Corden, who you can read about here.

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