Google, Samsung collaborate to help Android developers sync fitness data between apps – ET HealthWorld


New Delhi: Google And Samsung Have shaken hands to give Developers Opportunity to sync users’ health and Health Intermediate data Android Applications and their devices.

Known as’ Health Connect ‘, the platform and API (application programming interface) is for Android app developers who can safely access users’ health data.

Google said in a statement that with user permission, developers can use a set of APIs to securely access and share health and fitness data across Android devices.

The tech giant added, “We are partnering with Samsung to build this new integrated platform to facilitate connectivity between apps” and provide centralized privacy controls for users while promoting a richer application experience.

Google is working with developers including MyFitnessPal, Leap Fitness and Withings as part of the initial access program.

In addition, Samsung Health, Google Fit and Fitbit Adopting Health Connect. All developers can access a common set of Health Connect APIs for Android through Android Jetpack, “the company said.

‘Health Connect’ supports many general health and fitness data types and categories, including important ones such as activity, sleep, nutrition, body size and heart rate and blood pressure.

“Users will have full control over their privacy settings, with granular controls to see which applications are requesting access to data at any time,” Google said.

Users will also have the ability to block access to or delete data they do not want on their device, with the option to prioritize one data source over another when using multiple applications.


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