Government will give subsidy of more than 72 thousand on the purchase of Makhana, ‘lottery’ of farmers in this state

Makhana Production In Bihar: Makhana production is very high in some states of the country. Bihar is one of those states. The makhana here is sent to different states of the country. Bihar’s makhana is eaten with great gusto even in foreign countries. Since the consumption of Makhana is high, the farmers of Bihar also earn well. Bihar government is also promoting farmers for Makhana cultivation. Now the state government has taken a big step in the interest of the farmers.

Farmers will get Rs 72750 subsidy

The Agriculture Department of the Government of Bihar has informed that there is a golden opportunity for the farmers cultivating Makhana. Under the Makhana Development Scheme, subsidy will be given for the production of high quality seeds of Makhana. The unit cost per hectare has been fixed at Rs 97,000 by the state government. About Rs 72750 subsidy is being given on this. This is 75 percent of the total cost.

Contact agriculture department for subsidy

Any farmer of Bihar who wants to take advantage of subsidy or want to get any information related to the scheme. They can go to the agriculture department present in the district and get information about the scheme. Take information about all the norms regarding the scheme from the agriculture officer.

90 percent Makhana would have been in Bihar

Makhana productivity in Bihar can be gauged from the fact that Bihar alone produces 90 percent of Makhana. Protein is found in very high quantity in it. State government officials say that subsidy is being given to promote farmers in Makhana production. Good variety seeds are being given to the farmers by the Government of Bihar. Please inform that Makhana is cultivated twice a year in Bihar. The first crop is sown in March. Production takes place in August-September. The second crop is grown between September-October, its yield is available in February-March.

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