A statement released by Naomi Judd’s daughters, Wynonna and Ashley Judd, confirmed the sad news as they said their mother had died from “mental health illness”.
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Naomi Judd has died at the age of 76.
A statement issued by the Grammy Award winner’s daughters, Wynonna and Ashley Judd, confirmed the sad news as they said their mother had died from “mental health illness”.
It read, “Today we sisters experienced a tragedy. We lost our beautiful mother to mental illness. We are heartbroken.”
“We are sailing in deep pain and we know that as we loved her, she was loved by her audience. We are in uncharted territory.”
Friends and fans took to social media to share their grief, with one tweet: “So sorry for your loss. May the memory be eternal.”
While another commented: “Hearing this breaks my heart. I lost my son last August to mental illness. I haven’t had a day since I haven’t cried at least once. The pain is real. When we started treating the illness mental and physical illness, things can get better! Prayers are with you and your family.”
A third wrote: “My sincerest condolences to you both. May you find your way in these darkest hours and see the light. May you all find peace in your souls. May your mother rest in peace…”
Nancy Sinatra wrote, “Oh Lord, I’m heartbroken for all of you. Please don’t despair, your sweet mama wouldn’t want that. Take care of each other for your sake.”
While Rosanna Arquette commented: “God bless you Ashley, I’m so sorry to hear this. I love you and Wynonna.”
Danny Deraney tweeted: “Oh Ashley. My heart breaks for all of you. I worked with your mom years ago and she was such a kind and lovely person to me. I know what an advocate she was for mental illness. Sending you all love and light.” to your family”.
If you have mental health problems, you can speak to a trained counselor from the mental health charity Mind on 0300 123 3393 or email [email protected].
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