Green tea is full of properties, but drinking it at the wrong time can cause harm

Green Tea: Whether it is to lose weight or to bring glow on the skin, green tea is very helpful in removing every little problem. Especially to reduce weight, health experts recommend consuming green tea. But do you know what is the right time to drink green tea? If you consume green tea at the wrong time, then it can cause many problems in the body. Therefore, drink green tea at the right time to get the benefits of green tea.

When to drink green tea

The body gets a lot of benefits by consuming green tea about 1 hour before a meal. Actually, green tea contains tannins, so consuming it immediately after eating can worsen your digestion. Due to this, problems like abdominal pain, constipation can occur. Try never to drink green tea on an empty stomach. Always take something with it. At the same time, do not consume more than three cups of green tea in a whole day.

health benefits of green tea

weighs less

Consuming green tea reduces your body weight. Actually, green tea strengthens the metabolism, which proves helpful in reducing weight. By consuming it, you feel less hungry. At the same time, it is also very low in calories.

protect against cancer

Green tea can be healthy for cancer patients. The polyphenols present in it can prove to be helpful in preventing the growth of cancer cells. In particular, it can prevent breast and prostate cancer.

lowers cholesterol

Consuming green tea can reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. It can reduce the blockage in the veins. This can reduce heart-related diseases.

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