Have Anaemia or Want to Boost Immunity? Don’t Throw Jackfruit Seeds, Says Science

GRAMpaddling in a South Indian home, eating jackfruit was a big part of my childhood. Even today, the slightest smell of fruit brings with it a wave of nostalgia, and I never miss an opportunity to go back to the snacks, curries, or ripe, juicy bulbs of fruit that I gorged on as a kid.

Fruit has always amazed me for being incredibly versatile and nutritious. It is also impressive to note that almost all parts of the fruit can be turned into something delicious.

I remember my grandmother and my mother collecting jackfruit seeds every time they cut the fruit. These seeds are then cleaned, dried in the sun, and stored in a dry place for later use, such as for making some tasty dishes, for roasting, or for sautéing.

Jackfruit seeds also have a high nutritional value: they are rich in fiber, iron, potassium, several vitamins, proteins and antioxidants.

So think before you throw away the seeds before eating the fruit. Here are some more reasons to include them in your diet:

1. Promotes good digestive health

Jackfruit seeds are high in dietary fibers that help improve digestion, leading to good metabolism. They contain soluble and insoluble fibers; soluble fibers play an important role in lowering blood cholesterol and glucose levels, while the insoluble ones help prevent constipation. Also, the presence of fiber keeps you full for a long period of time, which helps in weight loss.

2. Helps fight anemia

These seeds are also a good source of iron, which helps stimulate red blood cell production. This in turn increases hemoglobin levels, thus preventing weakness and anemia. It also helps in proper blood circulation.

3. B vitamins that increase energy

The B-complex vitamins like thiamin and riboflavin present in jackfruit seeds can help provide the necessary energy for the body as well as aid in the overall functioning of the body.

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4. Improve eye health

Among the various vitamins, small amounts of vitamin A present in jackfruit seeds can help improve eye health. It also helps prevent cataracts and muscle degeneration.


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5. Rich source of protein

According to studies, jackfruit seeds contain a good amount of protein compared to fruit. Therefore, it helps regulate hunger levels, helps build muscle, and promotes weight loss.

A protein found in jackfruit seeds, Jacalin, helps support the immune system.

6. Anti-aging properties

Health Benefits of Jackfruit

The presence of various antioxidants like lignans, saponins, isoflavones and vitamin C in jackfruit seeds have anti-aging properties. This helps reduce free radical damage that leads to premature skin aging.


Nutritional and Health Benefits of Jackfruit: A ReviewPosted by RASN Ranasinghe, SDT Madhuwanthi, and RAUJ Marapana on January 6, 2019.

The source of nutrition by the Harvard School of Public Health.

Jackfruit seed: companion to functional foodspublished by Brazilian Journal of Food Technology

Jackfruit Seeds, A Nutrient Powerhouse: Lesser-Known Health Benefits You Should Know About, by Pavitha N Raj; published on NDTV on August 18, 2021.

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