Have you become addicted to watching reels on social media? The reason may be linked to childhood

Social media addiction : These days, the craze for TikTok, Instagram reels and YouTube short films is on everyone’s minds. These little videos bring happiness for a short time, but then they become a dangerous addiction, which can harm your health.

Watching these reels ranging from 15 seconds to 1 minute releases the pleasure hormone, dopamine, which makes us addicted to them. But do you know that this addiction can be linked to your childhood. According to a study published in Computers in Human Behavior, this type of addiction indicates bad childhood experiences.

What does the study say?

Researchers surveyed Chinese university students and found that if a person’s childhood is full of bad memories, they are more likely to become addicted to these short videos. This can also cause many problems for them. Bad childhood memories can include incidents such as mental or physical abuse, neglect, family problems, violence against a loved one. To distract from this, one first watches these videos, which then becomes a complete addiction.

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Reliance on video to ignore problems

Among the participants in this study, these students were not addicted to short films and were satisfied with their lives despite their childhood problems. Researchers found that among people who are dissatisfied with life, addiction to TikTok and Instagram Reels was more prevalent. These short videos allowed him to get away from his problems. Whenever something triggered him at home, to cope with it, he started watching short films and reels, which increased his addiction, which later became an addiction.

  If the amount of salt in the body increases, these symptoms begin to appear, do not ignore them.

Effect of short films on mental health

How to avoid social media addiction

1. Set a time for videos, reels, or social media.

2. Delete social media apps from your phone or use them sparingly.

3. Find social media options, like reading, writing, yoga, or any sport.

4. Spend more time with family and friends

5. Understand the side effects of social media.

6. Use your focus to achieve your goals.

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