Health Tips: This problem causes Piles, Fissure and fistula disease

Health Tips: Piles which we call piles in common language. Generally everyone knows about it, but there are two more diseases related to it, namely Fissure and Fistula, people know very little about it, although those who know remain skeptical about Piles Fissure and Fistula, because All these three symptoms are common. All these three diseases are very painful. Because of this, people also have to face many types of inconvenience. Most of the people do not identify the cause of pain or discomfort in the lower part of the body. They do not understand whether they have piles, fissure or fistula. So today we will know through this article what is the difference between these three diseases?

What is fistula?

Fistula is a very painful disease. Is. In common language it is called Bhagandar. In this disease, boils start coming in the anus of the person. These boils start giving trouble even in getting up and walking. There is a lot of problem in passing stool. Sometimes this is the reason why he refuses to go to the toilet. In this problem, bleeding occurs from the excretory tract. If it is not treated on time, it can also take the form of cancer. This problem can also be due to excessive alcohol, cigarette and chronic constipation. In some people, this problem can also be due to bacterial infection. Such people are advised to take fiber rich diet. Sometimes surgery is also required when it becomes too much.

Symptoms of fistula:

The first sign of fistula is that it starts in the anus. I start getting boils. Stomach is not cleared for a long time, there can be many problems like pain, swelling or irritation in the anal passage. Pus may also come out from the anus of some people, which is very foul smelling. Ignoring these symptoms can cause serious problems for you.

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What is Fissure?

Fisher is also a disease like fistula. In this, a kind of crack appears at the place of passing stool, those who are constipated or have hard stools, they get this crack, there is a lot of difficulty in passing stool, because the pain increases a lot. Fissure can be caused by eating more oily food, fast food and things made of white flour. One of these appears to be pain in the anus, bleeding, problems in defecation, pus coming out of the anus. If such symptoms appear in the beginning itself, then you should consume maximum amount of water. Spicy and refined flour should be avoided.

What is Piles?

Hemorrhoids or Piles is a disease in which the internal and external Swelling occurs in the veins of the part. Because of this, some warts are formed in the inner part of the anus or in the outer part, out of which sometimes there is bleeding and pain. Sometimes these warts come out on straining while passing stool. Constipation is the biggest reason for piles. Due to constipation many times one has to strain while passing stool and due to this complaints of piles are there.

Symptoms of Piles: Symptoms of piles include anus. Itching or stinging starts in the area. Including sticky mucus in underwear or toilet paper, swelling or bleeding around the anus. Piles in the initial stage can be treated with medicines, a healthy high fiber diet and drinking plenty of water throughout the day.


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