Heart attack does not happen only because of bad diet and lifestyle, this is also a big reason

How To Prevent Heart Attack: Many myths about heart health are also heard in the discussion of our daily life. For example, problems related to heart start after the age of 40-50. There is nothing to worry about in Young Age! Once upon a time this thing used to be true but now it is not. Because the rapid increase in stress in life, the time of sleeping, waking up, eating and drinking has changed, its effect is being seen on the health of the heart as well. Due to which youth are losing their lives due to heart attack even at an early age. Here we are talking about such common myths related to heart health, which are very important for you to avoid.

1. Myth- Heart attacks do not happen at a young age.
Fact- Many such cases have come to the fore, in which youths of 20 to 24 years had a heart attack and lost their lives in the very first attack! Means there was no time even for treatment… post covid such cases have increased a lot. That’s why cardiologists recommend that you get a complete heart checkup done twice in your 20’s, three times in your 30’s and four times in your 40’s. After this, this checkup should be done every year from 50’s.

2. Myth- Red wine is healthy for the heart
Fact- Antioxidants found in red wine, called polyphenols, may help clear or protect the lining of blood vessels, but according to the World Health Federation, so far no research has proved this about any alcohol. It has not been possible that alcohol is healthy for the heart. So if you do not drink red wine till now, do not start drinking it just thinking that it will keep your heart healthy!

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3. Myth- Healthy diet and exercise always prevent heart disease
Fact- Healthy diet, daily exercise, not taking alcohol and staying away from smoking. These are such important factors, which help a lot in keeping the heart healthy and protecting it from heart diseases. But it should not be assumed that those who do this never get a heart attack. Because apart from bad lifestyle, many genetic reasons are also responsible for heart disease.

4. Myth- For heart health only keep an eye on bad cholesterol.
Fact- There are two types of cholesterol in our body, which we know as good and bad cholesterol. Till now it is believed that good cholesterol is good for heart health, so there is no problem due to its increase. Although this is also a myth. Because if good cholesterol increases beyond a limit, it becomes the cause of many heart diseases.

5. Myth- Fat is bad for heart health

Fact- Fat is also necessary to keep the heart healthy. Fats that are bad for the heart include transfats and saturated fats. While monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, if taken as a balance diet, they protect against many heart diseases. For example, meat and butter contain high amounts of saturated fat, which damages the heart. While olive oil and avocado are low in saturated fat and high in polyunsaturated fat and monounsaturated fat, they benefit the heart.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

Read also: You must have heard of naughty at fatty… but do you know about the health mystery related to the age of 40?

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