Heart Disease: IIT researchers discovered such a cardiac protein… Damage will make the heart fit

Heart Attack Symptoms: Relieving news has come to the fore regarding the treatment of the heart. Till now, the chances of recovery from heart damage were very less. The treatment is so expensive that the common man cannot afford it. Now the team of Biosciences and Bioengineering Department of IIT Guwahati has developed the Recombinant Protein Toolbox. It contains six special proteins. These can be used to convert healthy skin cells or cells of an adult person into heart cells, specifically cardiomyocytes.

Researchers say that heart cells made using this toolbox can perform the same functions as native heart muscles. The heart cells that have been damaged. They can be recreated. Interestingly, the toolbox can also support the creation of autologous heart muscles in the laboratory.

Cells can be reprogrammed

The Guwahati team has successfully produced cell-permanent recombinant proteins. It can convert skin cells into heart cells. Recombinant protein is a desired protein that is produced from engineered host cells in a laboratory using recombinant DNA technology. By exposing skin cells to these proteins, researchers can reprogram the cells and make them have the characteristics of heart cells.

Attack comes after heart damage

Researchers say that a fact about heart damage has been understood that a heart attack occurs when any part of the heart gets damaged. Some animals have a specialty like zebrafish that their heart recovers after being damaged. But this does not happen with people. There are tissue damages of the heart in the human body. Only damaged tissue can be born from them again. The right way to treat heart is its transplant. But not everyone is able to get it transplanted because the number of hearts is not so high and it is very expensive.

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Research going on around the world

Researchers say that heart transplant is a big and expensive procedure. It is also important that if the heart is being replaced, whether the new heart will accept the new body or not. Scientists around the world are studying ways to convert body cells into heart cells, which can help revive damaged hearts. The challenge before the scientists is also that this process should be completed in such a way that no side effects are seen.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment / medicine / diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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