Heartbreak causes pain, this hormone is responsible… research reveals

Heart Broken Syndrome Symptoms: It hurts when the heart is broken. There are many discussions about this in books and stories. Broken heart is also mentioned in many film songs. But does it really hurt when the heart is broken? Recently a research has been done regarding this. Research has revealed that not all songs and stories are related to heartbreak. For this, a hormone is responsible for the pain caused by heartbreak. This pain is as terrible as it is felt at the time of heart attack. Many more such facts have come to the fore in the research, which are important to know.

This messenger hormone came out in the research

The study has been published in the journal Live Science. Cortisol hormone is responsible for heart pain caused by heartbreak or any other shock. It is also called messenger hormone. It passes messages to different parts of the body. This hormone has been discovered in research.

Oxytocin, dopamine levels fall

When you start loving someone. There is a flow of cuddle hormone oxytocin, feel good hormone dopamine in your body. This makes the mind very happy, but as soon as you fall in love, the level of oxytocin and dopamine drops. Due to this, the mind becomes restless, restlessness in the heart and other problems start.

pain like heart attack

Researchers conducting the study said that it is challenging for doctors to differentiate between heart attack and broken heart syndrome. Broken heart syndrome is treated through heart catheterization. In this process, a small catheter is inserted through the groin, heart or neck.

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These problems can also take birth

Heartbreak can be a dangerous experience. Cortisol hormone is completely responsible for this. There can be problems like high blood pressure, weight gain, acne. That’s why it is very important to be careful.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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