Heatstroke Cure: 5 Effective Home Remedies to Quickly Cool Your Body Temperature

Heat stroke can affect you as a result of low fluid levels in your body or severe dehydration. In this article, we have shared some home remedies that can give you quick relief.

Heat Stroke Cure: 5 Effective Home Remedies to Quickly Cool Down Body Temperature

The scorching summer sun leads many of us to seek refuge in cooler places like the hills. With increasingly high temperatures both outside and inside, the sweltering days of summer not only create discomfort in the environment but also raise body temperature. Spending prolonged periods outdoors increases the risk of heat stroke, a common problem during hot weather. In simpler terms, heat stroke means your body absorbs more heat than it can handle. Some of the symptoms of heat stroke include persistent headache, rapid breathing, elevated heart rate, nausea, vomiting, excessive sweating, and dizziness.

Heat stroke can affect you as a result of low fluid levels in your body or severe dehydration. Fortunately, there are certain home remedies that can give you quick relief. Below are some remedies to cool the body so that it can reach its optimal temperature.


  1. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to replace fluids lost through sweating. You can consume electrolyte-rich beverages, such as sports drinks or coconut water, to help restore electrolyte balance.
  2. Raw Mangos: This calming and refreshing mango drink will provide instant energy to your body. Made with raw mangoes and spices like black pepper and black salt, aam panna is known to balance the body’s electrolyte levels.
  3. Mint and Herbal Teas: Drink mint or herbal teas, which have natural cooling properties. Peppermint tea, in particular, can help cool the body and relieve the upset stomach often associated with heat stroke.
  4. Buttermilk: Buttermilk, also known as ‘chaas’, is packed with minerals and vitamins that can help regulate body temperature. This delicious summer drink not only goes well with lunch and dinner, but it also tastes amazing.
  5. Apple cider vinegar: Enhance your fruit juice or mix apple cider vinegar with cold water and honey to replenish lost minerals and electrolytes. Sweating can deplete essential minerals, but a decoction containing apple cider vinegar can help restore them.
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