Herbalife launches fat blocker with significant research history

The new release was announced on Friday. The product, called Fat Release, is based on a brand name ingredient called Litramine, which has been designated Litramine IQP-G-002AS in clinical trials. Its goal is to help consumers mitigate the effects of occasional binge eating high-fat meals.

Significant research history

Litramine has been developed by InQpharm, a firm that specializes in developing functional ingredients from botanical sources. The company has conducted a number of clinical studies on the ingredient, some of which were conducted in conjunction with Berlin-based scientific consultancy Analyze & Realize GmbH.

Lithramine is a fiber ingredient derived Opuntia ficus-indicaor the common nopal, which includes additional soluble fiber from gum arabic and is co-processed with cyclodextrin.

A 2014 review of that research effort included data from four published clinical studies, as well as an unpublished pilot study, which started the research effort in 2009. Taken together, those studies showed that litramine resulted in increased excretion of stool fat compared to placebo. Also, also showed a statistically significant increase in weight loss​, of the order of an average of 3.8 kg compared to 1.4 kg.

Additionally, a 2015 study, conducted over 24 weeks, replicated the statistically significant greatest weight loss for the litramine group (in that study, the placebo group actually gained a slight amount of weight on average). More importantly, the study showed that 92% of the litramine group were able to maintain their lost weight.compared to only 25% of those in the placebo group who actually showed weight loss of some kind.

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