Here’s How Each Zodiac Sign Can Best Protect Their Mental Health This Year, Directly From An Astrology Expert

Welcome to your 2022 wellness horoscopes!

I’m djennebadrammehNew York-based second-generation essay writer, editor, and astrologer.

Since it goes without saying that these past two years have taken a toll on our mental health, now more than ever it is imperative to take care of ourselves the best we can with what we have.

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And while astrology can never replace medical advice or psychotherapy, it can raise questions that prompt us to follow certain paths or take a closer look at our mental health, especially since astrology should be used as an art or predictive practice and not as a belief. . system.

Apple TV+ / Via Giphy

For example, birth astrologywhich is the study of planetary arrangements and their influence at the exact moment of birth, allows us to determine the areas of our life that require greater attention and care, including aspects of our mental health and general well-being.

The way you can determine which areas to focus on is by looking at your birth chart, which is made up of 12 houses, each of which governs different issues in your life (ie finances, career, family, etc.). Examining the quality of the natal chart 6th Y 12 houses, which may indicate physical and mental health respectively, we can gain insight into possible afflictions and appropriate courses of action to address them.

Current and future transits (think: Mercury retrograde) affecting these and other houses add context to the changing nature of those areas of our lives, forming the basis of horoscopes optimized for personal wellness.

Sanctuary / Via Giphy

So to get the most out of these 2022 wellness horoscopes, read your Rising sign first if you know it, followed by your Sun sign if you were born during the day, or Moon sign if you were born at night. (hellenistic astrology I would call this your “sect light.”)

Aries (March 21 to April 19):

Universal Images / Via Giphy

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This year asks you to pay attention to your chosen family and why you chose them in the first place (ie, do you see yourself in them? Can they see themselves in you?).

Reacquainting yourself with your people and all the reasons that unite them can help remind you who you are when you start to feel out of place.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20):

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This year asks you to reassess your personal value system, in both the metaphysical and tangible senses. It’s time to take stock what really fills you up and purges the rest to lighten your load, which will free up space so you can focus on what really matters. The creature comforts are road most satisfying when not taxed by dead weight.

Gemini (May 21 to June 21):

Fox / Via Giphy

It is imperative to pay attention to your physical body and how it is holding up under pressure this year. “Health is wealth” is the theme here, since addressing the body addresses the mind.

As you experience a hunger to explore your deepest inner depths, the tangible parts of you still require attention to best support your mental digs.

Cancer (June 22 to July 22):

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This is an amazing year for creative activities that you can immerse yourself in on your own time and conditions!

Also, know that delving into devotional practices can take you just as far in much-needed enlightenment as physical travel, though leaving for a new environment isn’t a bad idea either. The key to wellness this year is in stimulating your itch to transcend anything stale.

Leo (July 23 to August 22):

NBC/Via Giphy

If you’ve been waiting for the right time to enter (or re-enter) therapy, there’s no time like the present! You may start to feel suffocated if you keep your inner thoughts and world view trapped inside yourself this year.

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Having this kind of conversation not only with mental health professionals but also with friends and colleagues who could also benefit from exploring the brain realm together will feel like a huge relief.

Virgo (from August 23 to September 22):

Nickelodeon / Via Giphy

Make room in your life for future construction. When can you travel? Where are you going? Who can come with you? You deserve the immersive mind and body stimulation that becomes too easy to miss when the world feels chaotic.

The diary emerges as a sacred art, and writing can be the gateway that reorients your relationship with grief and loss — with it you build your own shelter in the storm.

Libra (September 23 to October 23):

NBC/Via Giphy

If you learn (or relearn) anything this year, it’s the critical importance of intimacy with oneself.

Although you may find relationships emphasized now with the intensity of a thousand suns, the key is to remember that you have your own haven to crawl back to. Take yourself, your art and your pleasure seriously.

Scorpio (October 24 to November 21):

Shalita Grant / Via Giphy

It is imperative that you allow every opportunity to change and become something new this year.

Everyone else does it constantly, so you deserve the same release, and life forces you to achieve it. You don’t owe anyone consistency with a person you don’t recognize!

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21):

Much / Via Giphy

“Sanctuary” is his keyword for the year. All those home improvement projects you’ve been sitting on are now begging to be recognized.

That’s why you should give beauty a try in your home and private spaces so you can let that creative flag fly. Peace and cerebral liberation come when you adapt your personal environment to your needs, whims and desires.

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Capricorn (December 22 to January 19):

PBS / Via Giphy

Nothing is more important than every little thing that holds you together right now. The year begins with an emphasis on pleasure and where to find it (ie, in your body, in your neighborhood, and with loved ones).

Your relationship with the world around you reigns supreme now, so interact more with your loved ones, nature, pets and more. Doing this will help you feel more grounded and connected to the world.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18):

Marc Platt Productions / Via Giphy

This is the year to start upgrading the world-building that’s constantly running inside your head. You can be louder and more resourceful about the person you love and know you are: so go all out and find peace in a deeper sense of authenticity than you have ever known.

No one needs to tell you to be yourself, but this year, there seems to be more of you to become. Move through it.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20):

Disney / Via Giphy

Intentional solitude is especially rewarding for you this year. as your home life and sense of spirituality capture a spotlight that only you can perceive. Investing thoughtfully in your home, such as creating nooks and crannies for lounging or dedicating altars for worship, should be fulfilling and essential to you.

These are the private spaces worth protecting to help with your mental health this year.

Interested in more astrology content? Tell us below what other types of horoscopes or explanations you would like to hear from us!

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