Here’s How to Lose Belly Fat After 50, Say Physicians — Eat This Not That

getting older It has its advantages, but a disadvantage of reaching 50 is that it becomes more difficult to lose weight, but it is not impossible. With a few positive lifestyle changes, you can lose that stubborn belly. fat that’s a health issue because it can lead to other serious problems like heart disease, stroke, and early death. So while it may be more difficult, don’t be discouraged. Eat this, not that! Health spoke with experts who reveal how to eliminate abdominal fat and help keep it off. Read on and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure signs you’ve already had COVID.

mature man stretching before exercising outdoors

​​Dr. Suzanna Wong. a licensed doctor of chiropractic and health expert at Twin Waves Wellness says, “It’s harder to lose weight after 50 because your body has different requirements. It’s more noticeable for women going through menopause, but not impossible. Your body deals with carbs differently, and the loss of estrogen means your muscles break down much faster unless you’re doing resistance exercise and eating a high-protein diet. With less muscle, your metabolism drops, which means it seems more difficult to lose weight.

Robert Herbst a personal trainer, weight loss and wellness expert, and weightlifter adds: “One of the reasons it’s harder to lose weight after 50 is age-related muscle loss. As people As they age, they begin to lose muscle. Since muscle is metabolically active, the less they have, the slower a person’s metabolism and the fewer calories they burn. Also, with less muscle, people generally become less active, so they burn even fewer calories. As they gain weight, they become even less active and the situation worsens. The solution to this is strength training. By lifting weights, one prevents or reverses age-related muscle loss, so that your overall metabolism will be higher.Furthermore, after weight training, the body’s metabolism rises for 48 to 72 hours afterward while the body recovers.Furthermore, as one develops more muscle through weight training, you will feel better and be stronger and are more likely to be active and participate in sports and recreational activities and do household chores. ds to more calories burned and easier weight loss.”

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Man counting calories at tableMan counting calories at table

Dr. Wong says, “Count your calories. Make sure you’re in a calorie deficit, and your belly fat will start to decrease.”

pam sherman, A certified personal trainer from The Perfect Balance recommends “creating a small calorie deficit for overall weight loss. This is the best way to lose weight by being responsible for what a person eats/drinks.”

woman drinking waterwoman drinking water

Dr. Wong suggests: “Drink enough water. For women, 2 to 3 liters a day, for men, 4 liters a day. This helps your body function effectively and lowers your cortisol levels, helping you to remove body fat from your belly.

Senior woman choosing between healthy and junk foodSenior woman choosing between healthy and junk food

Caroline Grainger, ISSA Certified Personal Trainer in Coach.reminds us: “Belly fat is stubborn. You’re not going to get rid of it with a crash diet or a clever gimmick. It’s going to take sustained intentional eating that you can stick to to really succeed. Your ultimate goal boils down to creating a deficit.” of calories.”

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man in his 40s running outside in the city40 year old man running outside in the city

Grainger states: “Good cardio exercises like walking, jogging, biking, swimming, and racquet sports are the best ways to burn calories fast, and they’re also the lowest-impact forms of exercise on your body, which means you’ll be able to maintain the habit.

older couple sleeping peacefullyolder couple sleeping peacefully

Sherman emphasizes: “Get enough sleep! When our brains are tired, we crave sugar. Getting regular sleep can make it much easier to keep your food on track!”

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fruit juicefruit juice

Jesse Nicassio, The former NFL player and CEO of Juke Gyms says, “Although fruit juice contains vitamins and minerals, it contains the same sugar as soda and other sweetened beverages. Drinking large amounts can pose the same danger to growth of belly fat Unsweetened apple juice has 24 grams of sugar in an 8-ounce drink, half of which is fructose Replace fruit juice with water, unsweetened iced or sparkling tea with a slice of lemon or lime to help reduce excess belly fat.

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“Not only does this reduce calories, but more importantly, it will help reduce visceral fat, which is fat stored around the organs, and always shows up as belly fat,” explains Dr. Wong.

heather newgen

Heather Newgen has two decades of experience reporting and writing on health, fitness, entertainment and travel. Heather currently works as a freelancer for various publications. Read more about Heather

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