High cholesterol warning: The vegetable oil that ‘significantly’ increases ‘bad’ levels

The researchers concluded: “Palm oil consumption results in higher LDL cholesterol than vegetable oils low in saturated fat and higher HDL cholesterol than oils containing trans fat in humans.

“The effects of palm oil on blood lipids are as expected based on its high saturated fat content, which supports reduction in palm oil use by replacing it with vegetable oils low in saturated and trans fats” .

Other sources of saturated fat

Saturated fat is found in:

  • Butter, ghee, tallow, lard, coconut oil, and palm oil
  • cakes
  • Cookies
  • fatty cuts of meat
  • Sausages
  • Bacon
  • Cured meats such as salami, chorizo, and pancetta
  • Cheese
  • Pastries, such as tarts, quiches, sausage rolls, and croissants
  • Cream, crème fraîche and sour cream
  • Ice cream
  • Coconut milk and coconut cream
  • smoothies
  • Chocolate and chocolate creams.

UK health guidelines recommend that the average man aged 19-64 eat no more than 30g of saturated fat a day.

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