Hip-Hinging Technique and Training for Board Sports Athletes


While being in shape will not prevent you from contracting the virus it has many other protective benefits for athletes. Physical activity releases endorphins, chemicals in the brain that revitalize the mind and body, and can help improve all aspects of overall health. Exercise can help relieve depression, stress, and anxiety, and help control chronic conditions, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. This means finding new ways to move and staying motivated allows you to take charge of your mood and well-being, maintain a sense of control during uncertain times, and keep up with your exercise goals when your routine is disrupted.

In addition to the general benefits of exercise on our body and mind, there are specific benefits in the way the joints move, posture, experience of body aches, and athletic performance. The benefits of exercise shift from the general to the specific when optimal exercise type, intensity, frequency, and technical execution are aligned to complement an athlete’s needs and goals.

We all have a limited amount of time, energy, and attention during this day and age. Sadly, there is no shortage of online classes and fitness programs that can really do more harm than good. Do you move better? Are you replacing one body ache for another? Do you feel like you are just following the movements and pushing yourself? Do you leave feeling more aligned and energetic, or do you leave class feeling sore, tense, and drained?

I’ve been told that my attention to detail and perfecting technique are pretty rare in the fitness space, not to mention the online fitness space. It is true that teaching good technique is a challenge. It requires patience and a thorough analysis of an individual’s ever-changing shape. Corrections should be made quickly to keep an athlete safe and while still working in the ideal intensity zone, word choice should be kept to an effective minimum and appropriate movement alternatives should be offered when necessary.

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If you are a surfer, this video will be particularly useful to you. I want your body to move safely, which is why this video goes out of its way to teach you the perfect form of hip joint techniques with the use of a broomstick (or rod).

In addition to improving your mood and improving sleep, exercise can also strengthen your immune system. Just don’t overdo it. While moderate physical activity supports immune function, too vigorous activity, especially if you are not used to it, can have the opposite effect and suppress your immune system. Too much exercising too soon after you’ve been infected will also suppress your immune system and delay your recovery, so take it easy and make sure your symptoms are gone before exercising again.

Editor’s note: You can find more content online from Michelle Drielsma here

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