Horrific moment powerlifter’s arm snaps as she squats massive 369 pound weights

A woman weightlifter suffered a disgusting injury while attempting to squat at 369 pounds (167 kg) with the horrific moment caught on camera.

Weightlifter Robyn Machado’s arm was broken during her set, leaving her in absolute agony.

She’s been lifting weights for over two decades, but during this intense workout, this particular rep outclassed her.

In a video from March 2020, which has been viewed more than 20 million times, which resurfaced in her tik tok account Recently, the 35-year-old prepared to lift the weight by doing a deep squat.

However, the bar slid down his back and, in a truly horrific moment, the sound of his arm breaking can be heard and Machado screams in pain before the video comes to an abrupt end.

Weightlifter Robyn Machado broke her arm while trying to squat 369 pounds
(Image: TIKTOK@TikTok/powerlifting_portagee)

Hailing from Raleigh, North Carolina, the veteran was surprised that he suffered an injury, especially after successfully lifting 369 pounds in the past.

“When I felt the pressure and heard the loud snapping sound, my first thought was, ‘My God, the bar broke,'” Machado recalled. news week when he heard his arm crack.

“Until I looked at my arm and saw a bone trying to break through the skin, I was so stunned I screamed.”

Machado revealed that he did not feel any pain at the time, probably from the adrenaline.

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Machado heard his arm crack and screamed in pain.
Machado heard his arm crack and screamed in pain.
(Image: TIKTOK@TikTok/powerlifting_portagee)

“I didn’t feel any pain (probably from the adrenaline), and I remember thinking this HAS to be a dream,” he said. “They took me to the hospital where they took X-rays and gave me ibuprofen. It turned out that I had broken my radius (forearm) bone.”

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The American now uses her TikTok page @PowerLifting_Portageeto raise awareness of safe and correct lifting.

“The low bar can be done safely, but some people (like me) try to push the limits by getting it as low as possible in an effort to move as much weight as possible and it’s dangerous,” the weightlifter said.

The bone took eight weeks to heal and he was asked to have a plate and eight screws inserted into his arm.

Machado has been a powerlifter for more than 20 years.
Machado has been a powerlifter for more than 20 years.
(Image: Robyn Machado – Instagram)

Recovery was tough, as she said: “The worst was my radial nerve rupture, I had nerve damage. I could barely move my thumb, index and middle finger.”

“The skin felt like it was on fire and I felt ‘zaps’ all day and kept me up at night. Not totally better, but the zapping pain is gone.”

The injury didn’t stop Machado from working out, as he not only hit his personal best just four months after his operation, but broke those records just six months later.

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