How 15 Minutes a Day Can Make You More Fit

Life is full of competing priorities, and you may assume you don’t have time to exercise properly unless you can squeeze an hour out of your day. But did you know that exercising for just 15 minutes a day can have a big impact on your overall health?

Fifteen minutes may not sound like a long time, but fitness experts and scientific studies agree that it’s enough to make a difference. Any amount of exercise is better than zero. If you are new to fitness or you haven’t been active in a while, a short 15-minute workout may be best to start with anyway.

The American College of Sports Medicine recommend starting light when it comes to being fit with just 10-15 minutes a day of activity. Whether it’s walking or something more complicated, these short workouts can still be very beneficial for your body. In addition, starting little by little will help you establish an exercise routine in your day to day.

Keep in mind that exercise recommendations are not for everyone, so it may take some time to figure out what you need, enjoy, and what works for you. If you have any health conditions that could affect your exercise routine, be sure to talk to your health care provider before starting a new regimen. Here’s what you need to know about getting started exercising for better overall health.

start simple

White and green sneakers walking down a city street.

Mei Xu/EyeEm/Getty Images

When in doubt, start by walking. Walking is a great way to get your body moving without feeling overwhelmed. Also, you can add 15 minutes of walking to your daily routine Even if you’ve never exercised before, it’s that easy.

Going for a brisk walk can help increase your heart rate. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, this can, in turn, help lower blood pressure and increase energy. It will also get your body used to an exercise routine and start building your stamina. To get the full benefits of a walking workout, remember you’re not window shopping. Make sure your pace is fast enough to increase your breathing but still allow you to carry on a conversation.

Make sure you are using good walking shoes that provide enough support for your feet. Find a quiet nature trail to add some mental health benefits to the deal, or listen to music or a podcast to make the time go by faster. That can be especially helpful if you’re worried about focusing on how much time you have instead of just enjoying the hike.

And you can walk wherever suits your lifestyle, whether you’re walking in the park, your neighborhood, on a treadmill, or even around your apartment, movement is movement. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your walking time or incorporate it into your daily life. If you use public transportation, for example, you could walk to the next stop instead of the one closest to your home.

As you walk more, you will probably start to walk faster, which is great, because it will get your blood pumping more. This will also equip you to move on to other, more intense workouts. He doesn’t feel that he needs to force himself to do these exercises; go at a pace that his body is comfortable with. There is no rush to get to a rigorous workout. Just walking 15 minutes a day can really make a difference in your overall health.

Other 15 minute workouts to try

Woman doing warrior yoga pose in the park.Woman doing warrior yoga pose in the park.

Tony Anderson/Getty Images

Whether you don’t want to walk on your daily movement goal or you’re ready for a bigger challenge, there are other 15-minute workouts you can try.

Some 15-minute workouts that can work for a variety of fitness levels include:

  • Yoga: yoga practices it runs the gamut in experience levels, so you can run a couple of sequences in your living room in poses that are comfortable for you. Depending on the style of yoga you practice, you can incorporate stretching, aerobic exercises, and/or strength training.
  • High Intensity Interval Training: HIIT It’s a great way to get your heart rate up while doing short bursts of maximum effort cardio, followed by short rest periods. Because the intervals are short and customizable, you can easily adjust them to 15 minutes. Remember to leave a rest day between HIIT workouts. If you exercise five days a week, for example, you might include HIIT training on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, leaving Tuesday and Thursday for other types of training.
  • Bodyweight training: bodyweight workouts They are ideal for those who are new to the world of fitness because they can be done at home and require no equipment. you are literally using your own body weight as resistance. These exercises include things like push-ups and crunches. As with HIIT, you can do this in short circuits when you have 15 minutes to spare.
  • Full Body Workouts: When you have limited time, it makes sense to do exercises that work several different muscle groups at once. Some activities, like swimming or rowing, are true total-body exercises. You can also alternate exercises over the course of 15 minutes to work your entire body, such as push-ups and squats.

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Is 15 minutes enough?

the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week for adults, which drops to 30 minutes per day if you exercise five days and rest two. But what do you do if you really only have 15 minutes a day to devote to exercising?

You’ll be glad to know that various studies over the years they have discovered the benefits of short bursts of exercise, such as 10, 15, or 20 minutes a day. For example, a 2011 study in the lancet concluded that exercising for 15 minutes a day increases life expectancy. a 2016 study at the European Society of Cardiology found that older adults who exercised 15 minutes a day had a lower risk of death. Even 15 minutes of vigorous activity per week was associated with a lower risk of premature death in a study 2022.

A male couple takes a walk in a park.A male couple takes a walk in a park.

Wera Rodsawang/Getty Images

Often a 15-minute workout is a gap filler or stepping stone, but it doesn’t have to be. Whether you just like a 15-minute workout or don’t have time for anything else, you can still find health benefits here. Remember some of your daily activities it probably counts toward your weekly physical activity quota, too.

Keep in mind that your exercise routine must be complete, even if the sessions are shorter. It is important to practice both cardiovascular exercise and strength training, either at the same time or on different days. Cardio strengthen your heart and lungs, while strength training builds or tones muscles. Together, these two types of training offer a complete workout that keeps your entire body healthy. It’s also important to include rest days in your schedule, especially if you’re doing high-intensity activities.

Bottom line

don’t be afraid of Start with a simple exercise routine. after you’ve wondered how to start working out, even if you’ve never worked out a day in your life. While the gym can be daunting and exercise videos intimidating, something as simple as going for a walk around your neighborhood can have a positive effect on your overall health. Just getting out there and getting your body moving is a great way to improve your fitness. There are so many ways to move, it’s all a matter of finding a routine that works for you!

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to be health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health goals.

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