How are healthcare providers proactively preparing for the future? – ET HealthWorld

By Priyadarshi Mahapatra

Two years ago, the world witnessed the biggest humanitarian catastrophe in the form of Kovid-19 which not only changed the way we live our daily lives but also shook many established norms and some well-known practices. This has transformed routine care into seismic and scheduled hospital visits for balanced home-based care with digital assistance and new age technologies such as AI, phone-based diagnosis, etc.

With these fundamental changes, including the training of healthcare professionals, smartphone apps and video appointments, the future success of healthcare practitioners and service providers now depends on the rapid adoption and implementation of best practices and the creation of opportunities.

In light of these changes, the healthcare industry has witnessed over the past few years and some of the major industry advances that could redefine the future are listed below:

  • Augmented Reality: Rapid diagnosis leads to faster treatment which can save one’s life and does the same augmented reality. With the help of AI-based technologies, healthcare professionals can retrieve medically useful information and empower patients to manage their own health by taking appropriate medical predictions whenever needed. Observing the growing demand for AI-led health diagnostics, many Med-Tech platforms have also introduced software and innovative devices. This first not only helps them maintain continuous clinical monitoring, but also enables them to engage in active communication between doctors and patients using AI tools. Chatbots.
  • High-tech Smart Wearables: With the help of advanced cognitive techniques, many health-tech companies have also begun to come up with ways that can help them generate data about patients, process them and build personal health insights. Our ability to track heart rate, sleep patterns and breathing problems can help people not only get to the hospital and doctors on time but also change their lifestyle to live a longer life.
  • Flexible design of healthcare units: with increasing numbers Covid 19 Demand for this specialty has grown significantly as a result of recent corporate scandals. The healthcare industry has also seen a growing demand for designs that can maximize transitions in a very short time and at minimal cost.
  • Tele-healthcare: All of today’s innovations focus on increasing patient convenience and addressing challenges, including limited access to much-needed healthcare assistance, especially in rural areas. India. However, with e-clinics and telehealth solutions, faster tracking of procedures, better clinical trials and faster diagnosis are possible. For example, with the help of CureBay’s platform and a network of microsatellite centers, healthcare providers can make their services more accessible to people in remote locations. From appointment to drug delivery, CureBay delivers quality healthcare counseling and assistance to address patients’ diagnostic needs.
  • Innovative partnerships between the public and private sectors: To ensure that people get the best healthcare services, the government has started looking for innovative partnerships with private players. By doing so, patients can access healthcare services as needed and free of charge.
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The healthcare industry is on the verge of revolution and with a common goal, industry disruptors and healthcare professionals can advance value in a transformed healthcare ecosystem. While new types of diseases and viruses like Covid 19 will never be completely eradicated, the active intervention of data, science and technology will equip the industry to be prepared for the unforeseen challenges ahead. Priyadarshi Mahapatra, Founder, Kyorbe


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