How children become victims of autism, know the symptoms, don’t ignore them

Autism is a condition that has a profound impact on children’s behavior. It is also called autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and causes behavioral changes in children that need to be identified in time. Generally, in the first six months to a year after the child is born, we see whether he or she is behaving normally or not.

The symptoms of autism are obvious, but there are often many parents. ignore them as normal behavior. This could worsen the child’s condition and affect their development. Therefore, early detection and appropriate treatment are very important.

Some Common Symptoms of Autism
Social challenges

  • The child has difficulty playing with others.
  • They are not able to make eye contact and speak.
  • They have difficulty understanding the feelings of others.

Behavioral Challenges

  • The child does not like change. They like to work according to the same routine or method.
  • They are very interested in certain things and stay engaged in them.

Difficulty communicating

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