How dangerous is microplastic? Find out what the risks of getting cancer are from it

Microplastics are very small plastic particles that mix in the air, water and food around us. These particles are so small that we can’t even see them, but they can easily reach our body. Now the question is: are these particles dangerous for us and do they pose a cancer risk?

Dangers of microplastics
Microplastic is found almost everywhere these days. . going. It can be present in our food and drinks, such as salt, sugar, water, and even in the air. When we consume these things, these particles enter our body. The biggest danger of microplastic is that it can accumulate in the body and cause many health problems over time. causes cancer. However, some research has shown that microplastics can cause inflammation and other problems in the body. When these particles stay inside the body for a long time, they can damage cells, which can further increase the risk of serious diseases like cancer.

How to avoid microplastics Avoid?

  • Use less plastic: Try to minimize the use of plastic items, especially avoid storing food in plastic li>
  • Drink filtered water: Drink water after filtering it properly, so that the microplastic present can be eliminated.
  • Do not use plastic bottles: Avoid drinking water from plastic bottles, as these may also contain microplastics.
  • Take care of cleanliness: keep your home and surroundings clean, to avoid microplastics in the air.
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Other important points
Microplastics have become such a part of our lives that it is difficult to avoid them completely. However, given the dangers they pose, we need to make some changes in our lives. By adopting habits such as using less plastic, drinking filtered water and ensuring cleanliness, we can reduce the impact of microplastics on our bodies. This is dangerous for our health.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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