How is ADHD treated and when does it happen? – GoMedii

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, which is not just a problem of children, it is a type of mental disorder that changes behavior. People affected by this disorder are unable to concentrate in any of their work. It not only has the ability to concentrate the person, but it also works to control the emotions of the person. Individuals with ADHD are unable to perform their routine tasks properly.

People affected by ADHD have problems with self regulation, due to which they are unable to control their emotions. This is the reason that person with adhd Respond to even the smallest incident with more sensitive behavior or emotions. Many a times, due to ADHD not being treated on time, these individuals are unable to play their important role in family and friends and hence timely diagnosis of ADHD is very important.

Symptoms of ADHD

Symptoms associated with ADHD include the behavior of the individual/child, some of which are:

  • having trouble concentrating or concentrating on tasks
  • forgetting while working
  • be distracted
  • talk excessively or speak without reason
  • always be upset
  • make frequent mistakes while studying or working
  • forgetting to put your belongings or frequently losing belongings
  • having trouble organizing daily tasks
  • inability to sit for long periods of time

Medication is often an important part of treatment for a person suffering from ADHD. However, it can be a difficult decision to make. Along with medication, your doctor may also suggest therapy to help treat ADHD. Talk to your doctor about which of these options would be a good fit for you:

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There are different types of psychotherapy that can provide a way to better manage the symptoms of ADHD.

Behavioral therapy

The goal of behavioral therapy is to monitor someone’s behavior and then change those behaviors as appropriate.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a short-term, goal-focused form of psychotherapy that aims to change a person’s negative thinking and reframe how they feel about themselves and their ADHD symptoms.

Types of ADHD

There are three types of ADHD:

  • Predominantly inattentive: With this type of ADHD, the person has a lot of difficulty in concentrating, completing tasks and following instructions.
  • Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive: These types of people mainly have periodontally hyperactive behavior, such as extravagance, interrupting people and not being able to wait for their turn.
  • Combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentivePeople with this type of ADHD have a combined problem with combined hyperactive impulsive behavior. This can include attention, impulsivity, and above average levels of energy and activity. This is the most common type of ADHD seen in many people.

What are the differences between normal behavior and ADHD behavior? (Differences between normal behavior and ADHD behavior in Hindi)

Almost everyone has some symptoms similar to ADHD at some point in their lives. If this problem started a few days ago or you have been troubled by this problem for a long time, then you do not have ADHD. ADHD is only diagnosed when the symptoms are severe enough to cause ongoing problems in more than one child and adult in your life. These symptoms can be detected from childhood.

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Diagnosing ADHD in adults can be difficult because some ADHD symptoms are caused by other conditions, such as anxiety or mood disorders. And many adults with ADHD also have at least one other mental health condition, such as depression or anxiety.

What are the causes of ADHD? (What are the causes of ADHD in Hindi)

According to the researcher, no one yet knows the exact cause of ADHD. But ADHD can have certain causes and risk factors.

For example, due to some type of disease or injury to the brain, the brain does not work properly and cannot control emotions, behaviour. Children can develop ADHD for genetic reasons.

There are many such changes in the brain of children affected by ADHD, due to which the brain is unable to concentrate on work. Children with ADHD have a chemical imbalance, which can cause a chemical imbalance in the children’s brains. During pregnancy, the woman does not get a balanced diet, due to poor lifestyle, alcohol, smoking and drug abuse, the child’s brain does not develop and the child becomes mentally weak.

What are other problems caused by ADHD? (What are the other problems caused by ADHD)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

About 50 to 80 percent of people are affected by ADHD. The symptoms of ADHD are different from the symptoms of OCD. People with OCD are constantly disturbed by thoughts and fantasies, which cause them to act as needed. On the other hand, people with ADHD often try to do the same task over and over again because they are unable to perform that task in the first place. Because of this, the symptoms of both are different.

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decreased ability to learn

ADHD doesn’t hinder anyone from learning anything new, but it can cause some challenges, such as dyslexia or dyscalculia. People with dyslexia have difficulty reading or pronouncing words, while people with dyscalculia often have trouble understanding numbers. Both these challenges can cause problems in concentrating and understanding any subject properly.

having depression

Due to hyperactivity and lack of attention, people with ADHD usually have difficulties in their school and office because they are unable to function properly and often lose their jobs or keep up with the child’s peers at school. Is. Due to which they become victims of depression.

We have told you some things related to ADHD and have also told the options of its treatment, if you want any kind of information related to it, then for this you can Click here or you us Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) can contact on In addition, you can also email us at [email protected] regarding our services. Our team will contact you as soon as possible.

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