How many minutes should you exercise to stay healthy? Here’s what experts say

Consistent or regular exercise is good for your health, and a new study found that those who practice it daily have a lower risk of premature mortality.

According to the study, conducted by the scientific journal of the American Heart Association, people who exceeded the minimum guidelines for moderate or vigorous physical activity had a lower risk of premature mortality, reported Huffington Post August 19.

The study was conducted on 1,16,221 adults.

The study noted that current physical activity guidelines from the US Department of Health and Human Services recommend that adults get 150 to 300 minutes of moderate physical activity, or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous physical activity, each week.

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Moderate physical activity can be defined as walking, lifting weights, and low-intensity exercise, while running, cycling, and swimming are included in vigorous physical activity.

The study reported that those who exercised two to four times the minimum amount of exercise had a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

“Participants had 26% to 31% lower all-cause mortality, 28% to 38% lower cardiovascular mortality, and 25% to 27% lower noncardiovascular mortality,” he says. the study on people who exercised two to four times above the recommendations for moderate physical activity.

Additionally, those who exercised two to four times the vigorous physical activity recommendations were found to have 21% to 23% lower all-cause mortality, 27% to 33% lower cardiovascular mortality and 19% less non-cardiovascular mortality.

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However, experts suggest that intense workouts require proper preparation to make sure the body is ready. Therefore, it is important to start with 10 minutes of activity, such as a brisk walk, in the middle of an easier walk.

The Yale Medicine associate professor of orthopedic surgery and sports medicine says, “Any time you introduce a new activity into your exercise regimen…initially, start with 10 minutes of [the] activity, such as brisk walking, in the middle of an easier walk.

He adds that once the new moderate or vigorous activity is added to the routine, the duration or pace can be increased over the course of the next few weeks. Also, staying hydrated and on a full stomach helps activate the muscles a person will use in their chosen activity, he adds.

She recommends for building muscle mass, maintaining bone strength and maintaining balance, “It’s also very important to supplement moderate-intensity exercise with strength training—it’s generally recommended that people strength train twice a week.”

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