How much to eat figs daily, know the healthy way

How To Use Fig For Health: Fig is a dry fruit, which has been used by our ancestors for centuries in the treatment of many diseases including improving physical strength and increasing immunity. Here are the answers to all the important questions like how figs are helpful in keeping the body healthy and when it should be consumed (How To Use Fig), in what quantity.

The use of figs is not as common for today’s generation as it was used by grandmothers in olden times. Fig (Fig) is very effective for removing physical weakness. It shows effect on the body just like any Ayurvedic medicine.

benefits of eating figs

  • Figs may be sweet in taste but it is helpful in preventing the disease of sugar. Because soluble fiber is found in it, which slows down the digestion of carbs and does not allow the amount of sugar in the blood to increase.
  • Iron is found in abundance in figs. That’s why it is a very important dry fruit for women. Every woman should eat figs. Especially after the age of puberty and the onset of periods, figs must be included in the daily diet of every girl child.
  • Those who have physical weakness, they should also consume figs every day. Because it is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper and antioxidants.
  • Figs are also very effective in preventing the signs of early aging as it slows down the process of oxidation of the body. Also, being rich in vitamin-A and antioxidants, it prevents early aging signs from dominating.
  • Figs are also very beneficial in controlling smoking addiction. Because it is rich in alkalinity, which is helpful in calming the craving for nicotine.

What is the right way to eat figs?

  • The effect of figs is very hot, so it should always be consumed with milk.
  • Only one piece of fig should be consumed at a time. Children should be given only half a piece of it.
  • Adults should consume maximum two pieces of figs in a day. Especially when you want to include figs in your daily diet.
  • After washing the fig, soak it in milk for half to an hour. Then cook the milk well and drink the milk when it is lukewarm and eat the figs after chewing them well.
  • If you want to soften figs, then after washing it, soak it in milk before sleeping at night and keep it in the fridge and warm it in the morning and drink milk and eat figs.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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