How Nutrition And Food Plays A Key Role For Good Mental Health – Expert Reveals

“Healthy Foods for a Healthy Lifestyle.” One should focus on eating a balanced diet that gives the body all the nutrients it needs for growth, maintenance, and building immunity. But along with bodily wellness, it’s equally important to focus on mental health. Today, we meet many people who attach importance to fitness. They exercise regularly to maintain a healthy body, but are unaware of the connection between a balanced diet and mental health. In recent years, the relationships between nutrition and mental health have gained considerable interest.

Not including mental health, the concept of physical aptitude it is incomplete. In terms of prevailing mental health problems, India is at a critical stage. According to the most recent NCRB study, suicide deaths have increased 7.2% since 2020, directly reflecting the overall lack of mental health in the population Therefore, we must take note of the prevailing situation to address mental health problems through various strategies.

(Also read: How to improve mental health: include fruits and vegetables in your daily diet)

Addressing mental health issues is extremely important, especially in this day and age. Photo: iStock

How nutrition and food play a key role in mental well-being

Three key factors: emotional, psychological and social well-being are essential to maintain good mental health. Phrases like stress, anxiety, and mental pressure are used far too often today by everyone, from school children to the elderly. Whether it’s the pressure to perform well at school, work, or any other area. These elements have an impact on the general health of the person as well as on her mental state. Sports, yoga, and exercise are a few approaches, but each must be combined with a simple but essential element: a well-balanced, nutritious diet. It gives the brain the nourishment it needs. It keeps the human mind stable and gives it energy. In addition, it improves memory, which is essential in our daily lives.

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So the question arises, what kind of diet should we follow to maintain mental health? All the essential proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are beneficial to the development of the human body are present in nutrient-dense foods. However, you might consider eating some foods for mental wellness. They include vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc. The following foods must be a part of your diet if you want a strong and healthy mind.

(Also read: World Mental Health Day 2022: Foods to help teens stay mentally healthy)


The healthier you eat, the better it will be for your mental health too. Photo Credit: Pixabay

Here are some foods to improve mental health:

  1. Green leafy vegetables: Due to its nutritional importance, dieticians and nutritionists constantly advise including green leafy vegetables in our diet. Green leafy vegetables contain antioxidants, dietary fibers, minerals, alpha-linolenic acid and vitamins. Leafy green vegetables are a good source of vitamin K. Studies have shown that vitamin K can help prevent the development of anxiety and depression.
  2. Fruits and berries: Eating fruits and berries can help improve brain function. Both memory and anti-aging processes can improve with it. Studies have shown that fruit eaters are more likely to report higher levels of mental well-being and less likely to experience depressive symptoms than non-fruit eaters. fruits and the berries are also rich sources of antioxidants.
  3. Fish: Omega-3 fats are rich in fish. These lipids are crucial for the brain and these fats must come from the diet because the human body cannot manufacture them. Epidemiological studies show a link between poor dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids and depression. Seafood such as oily fish and fish supplements are excellent sources of Omega-3.
  4. Walnuts: Almonds and walnuts are great for improving mental well-being, and walnuts also contain Omega 3 fats, as do fatty fish. On the other hand, almonds are a good source of vitamin E and can help improve memory.
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These are some foods that are quite accessible to us. For a healthy mind, we must incorporate them into our diet. Remember, a sick mind, even with a healthy body, will ultimately mean poor overall health.

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