How Resveratrol Benefits Your Health and Top Foods Sources | Well+Good

yesSometimes we hear charming comments about certain foods that sound too good to be true, but actually compare from a nutritional perspective. For example, experts recommend dark chocolate to support your mind and mood (and even help stave off chronic disease), while red wine is on the menu through certain Blue Zones—also known as regions around the world that are linked to longevity. (Of course, both treats are recommended in moderation to reap their health benefits.)

One of the components that makes red wine famous for its healthy content is resveratrol. To find out what it is, its potential benefits, and some more foods that contain this antioxidant, we asked you Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDNof royal nutrition in New York City, for their expertise.

How resveratrol benefits your health

Resveratrol is a plant-based polyphenol (phytoalexin) which is associated with a range of Important bodily functions and potential health benefits. “Resveratrol activates sirtuins, which are enzymes that play a role in gene expression, metabolism, and aging,” explains Shapiro.

Including more resveratrol in your diet can help you rack up wellness gains and promote healthy aging… though there are a few important caveats worth noting. But first, let’s start with the good news. “The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of resveratrol can decrease oxidative stress, reduce incidence of disease and increase longevity,” says Shapiro. However, with that in mind, he is sure to point out that resveratrol’s anti-aging and protective benefits warrant further investigation.

While polyphenols (and antioxidants in general) are famous for their health-promoting properties, the existing research on resveratrol in particular is not definitive, largely for two reasons. First, most of the studies on the benefits of resveratrol have been done on animals. For example, a 2018 study in the journal nutrients found that resveratrol intake by diabetic rats shows antioxidant properties. The researchers note that these results “may indirectly indicate the benefits of consuming resveratrol-containing foods and dietary supplements in reducing oxidative stress in the lenses of people with diabetes,” although more human research is needed to confirm this. Also, a 2019 review in the magazine Free Radical Research investigate the nutrients efficiency for aging (through wine and grapes) as part of the Mediterranean Diet specifically, the last of which “has been shown to prevent diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer and prevent aging.” While this all sounds great, the authors conclude the review by explaining that there are only a few controlled studies of resveratrol to date and reiterate that the current evidence, while convincing, “is based on animal research and early intervention trials in humans warrant further investigation.

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Next, the amount of resveratrol ingested in these studies generally exceeds the amount you would get naturally through diet alone. “Since more high-quality research is needed to better understand resveratrol’s health effects, there is no recommended intake at this time,” adds Shapiro, adding to the existing gray area.

5 foods that contain resveratrol

With the above points in mind, let’s get back to the basics of resveratrol. It’s found in nutrient-dense, plant-based whole foods, so eating more items containing this polyphenol can’t hurt, not to mention that such foods are routinely praised and recommended as part of a healthy, well-rounded diet.

“The whole foods below will not only provide resveratrol, but also contain other phytonutrients that can improve health,” explains Shapiro. In other words, you could also prioritize them in your diet to increase your resveratrol intake *and* promote overall wellness.

1. Red wine

“The resveratrol content in red wine can range from 0.2 mg to 2 mg per glass,” says Shapiro. If you want extra credit on the wellness front, look Cannonau of Sardinia the next time you browse the wine aisles, as it contains up to three times the amount of flavonoids (another type of antioxidant) compared to other varieties. And of course never beginning Drink for health reasons: While red wine is rich in resveratrol, all forms of alcohol are still considered toxins.

2. peanut

Shapiro points out that peanuts contain 0.32 mg to 1.28 mg of resveratrol per cup and also reminds us that they are a good source of plant-based protein and heart-healthy fats. Eat them plain or mix up a trail mix recipe, perhaps even combining peanuts with some of the other resveratrol-rich foods below.

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3. Grapes

It’s not too surprising that grapes made it onto this list; after all, wine is simply fermented grape juice. However, Shapiro hints at the fact that the skin and seeds of grapes in particular contain the highest resveratrol content. Whole fruit contains “0.24 mg to 1.25 mg per cup, and grapes are also a good source of potassium and fiber,” she says.

4. Berries

Specifically, Shapiro says that blueberries and cranberries are the best sources of resveratrol in berries. The exact content of resveratrol in each will vary, but he can be sure that they are very beneficial and nutritious; he adds that they are also good sources of vitamin C and fiber.

5. Chocolate

To end on a happy note, chocolate also earns the DR’s seal of approval as a featured food with resveratrol. However, the standard caveats apply: consume in moderation, and the darker the better. “Chocolate is also a good source of magnesium,” adds Shapiro, a mineral that is too often scarce in American diets however, it is important for mental health, sleep, and more.

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