How the body leaves sweat during a heart attack, how to recognize that it is a heart attack, know

Heart Attack Pre Symptoms: The risk of heart diseases has increased significantly due to the lifestyle and food habits of today. After Corona, there has been a significant increase in the cases of heart attack. Heart attack cases are increasing rapidly, especially among the youth. Many times people do not recognize the signs of heart attack properly. Heavy sweating before a heart attack is also a symptom. In summer, everyone sweats, but in winter or suddenly, heavy sweating can be a sign of heart attack. Let us know the symptoms of heart attack and why the body starts sweating before the heart attack comes.

sweating before heart attack
Actually, when the coronary ie blood vessels find it difficult to deliver blood to the heart, then sweating starts. The accumulation of cholesterol in these coronary causes blockage. In such a situation, the blood supply to the heart is reduced and the heart has to work very hard to pump blood. In such a situation, when there is pressure on the heart, the body tries to keep the temperature normal and the body starts sweating more rapidly. Excessive sweating can be a symptom of heart attack.

symptoms of heart attack

  • chest pain or burning
  • feeling abnormal
  • fatigue and dizziness
  • shortness of breath
  • rapid or low heart beat
  • arm or shoulder pain
  • jaw or tooth pain
  • headache complaint

due to heart attack

  1. There can be many reasons for heart attack, in which today’s lifestyle is the biggest reason.
  2. Taking more drugs or intoxicants is also a reason. It also affects the brain and heart.
  3. Pollution is also a cause of heart attack. Poisonous air and particles give rise to lung and heart related diseases.
  4. Obesity is also the cause of heart attack. People who are overweight are at risk of heart attack.
  5. Having diabetes or kidney disease also increases the risk of heart diseases.
  6. High cholesterol is a major cause of heart attack. Therefore, diet can also become a reason for heart attack.

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