How to beat fatigue? Follow these 5 steps

New Delhi: Anyone can experience fatigue at any time, although it usually manifests after strenuous physical activity, a hard day’s work, or both. Exercise often causes fatigue, which can be reduced by getting enough rest, taking a good nap, or sleeping through the night. In contrast, fatigue is a persistent and uncharacteristic state of tiredness and sleepiness. It can be difficult and demotivating to stick to your usual routine when you’re tired. It can be chronic (lasting more than a month) or acute (lasting more than a month or 1 to 6 months or more).

Short-term and long-term levels of fatigue are directly related to the foods we eat. For example, iron deficiency is linked to fatigue, reduced work capacity, and poor academic performance. Like empty calorie items, foods with added sugar and solid fats, such as candy and soft drinks, have few nutritional benefits. As a result, you may feel full even when you haven’t eaten any of the nutrient-dense foods your body needs.

To survive in the fundamental metabolic processes that allow central cell function, we all need a balanced diet and proper nutrition. Due to its involvement in energy-yielding metabolism, DNA synthesis, oxygen transport, and brain functions, a balanced diet is crucial for brain and muscle function. As a result, cognitive and psychological processes are affected, including physical and mental fatigue. Iron, magnesium, zinc, vitamin C and B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9 and B12) help fight tiredness.

Here are some easy tips on using diet and nutrition to beat tiredness and stay optimistic:

Add protein to your diet: Protein helps maintain endurance levels and build endurance. Because it helps your muscle repair wear and tear and reduces muscle loss, it ensures your body has enough muscle to sustain daily life. This is why athletes or those with active lifestyles go for protein intake through their diet or supplements.

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Hydration is the key: One might wonder how a calorie-free, flavorless liquid like water helps with energy levels. Dehydration causes symptoms such as fatigue and tiredness. Even mild dehydration can alter a person’s mood, energy level and ability to think clearly, research from the University of Connecticut has found. The effect of dehydration on concentration, fatigue and anxiety is even more profound for women.

Cut down on caffeine: ‘Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my morning coffee’ – does this internet meme sound familiar to you? Caffeine lovers, especially those who can’t start their days without a generous “boost” dose of coffee or tea, actually strive to become more fatigued throughout the day. Coffee may act as a temporary brain boost that raises your energy level and focus for a short time, but can quickly result in an energy crash later on. In addition, it can generate dependency and interference with the natural circadian rhythm or the sleep cycle. In total, for every cup of coffee, drink two extra cups of water.

Greetings to alcohol, an invitation to tiredness: A full glass of alcohol can leave your energy levels half empty. Not only does it dehydrate your body and disrupt sleeping and eating patterns, but alcohol also raises your body’s level of epinephrine, a stress hormone that increases your heart rate and generally stimulates your body, which can result in nighttime awakenings, according to Harvard Health. Publication. If you’re going out or staying home every other night, cut down on your alcohol intake. Do the same for smoking.

Eat well: Eating processed foods, ordering frequently, and preparing sugar-laden recipes on a regular basis can reduce the nutrients entering your body and disproportionately throw your meals out of balance. Take the prescribed calorie intake for your age, gender, and activity level, and don’t opt ​​for fad/extreme diets in the name of weight loss or spot reduction. Food is your body’s fuel and fatigue is inevitable if you don’t eat enough of it and/or of good quality.

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A healthy diet requires physical activity, sufficient sleep, peace of mind, and relaxation. Vital vitamins and minerals can be obtained naturally from a variety of sources, including fruits, vegetables, and meat. Essential nutritional requirements vary from person to person due to factors including age, gender, and medical circumstances such as pregnancy and lactation. Also, conditions, lifestyle decisions and restrictions play a role.

(Dr. Vivek Srivastava, Senior Vice President, Zeon Lifesciences)


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