How to Do a One Dumbbell Workout

Karla Tafra

So you only have one dumbbell? Great, you have a lot to crush your training. Even a single dumbbell can add enough challenge to her usual exercises that she can feel it the next day.

The most important thing about dumbbells is knowing how to hold them correctly to avoid injuring yourself or straining your back. And since most dumbbells look alike, you can apply the same technique with any type you can find in your gym or online.

dumbbell squats

Take a dumbbell in both hands and bring it in front of your chest. Take a deep breath in and slowly begin to lower your hips down and back, as if you’re trying to sit in an imaginary seat behind you. Keep your spine straight, core engaged, and chest lifted, but lift your belly button and tuck your hips in so you don’t create too much of a curve in your lower back.

Once you’ve reached your maximum depth (try to be as parallel to the floor as possible), begin to exhale and straighten your legs. Push the ground away from you through your legs and keep your spine straight. At the end of the exhalation, squeeze your glutes. Repeat 12-15 times.

Romanian single leg dumbbell deadlift

Start standing and bring your feet hip-width apart and keep them parallel. Take a dumbbell in your right hand and lift your right leg behind you. Place your left hand on your left hip, inhale, and gently begin to lean over your left leg, lowering your right hand with the dumbbell close to the floor.

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Exhale and use the power of your left leg to lift your body to a standing position. Keep your core engaged throughout the exercise as your balance is challenged and keep your back straight. Repeat 12-15 times and do the same on your right leg. Try to engage your hamstrings and feel them stretch and contract, preventing the movement from coming solely from your lower back.

Dumbbell Snatch

Stand up and spread your stance a little more than hip distance apart. Place the dumbbell on the floor between your legs and squat down. Grasp the dumbbell in your left hand and as you exhale, lift the dumbbell up and in one full motion straighten your body and bring the dumbbell overhead.

Slowly return to your squat and rise up explosively. Squeeze your glutes at the top and keep your core engaged. Repeat 10-12 times and do the same with your right hand.

adjustable dumbbells

Don’t have room for a full weight rack? These adjustable dumbbells are here to help!

Dumbbell Back Pulls

Grab a dumbbell in your right hand and lean onto a bench, chair, or other sturdy surface. Straighten your back and let your right arm fully extend to the floor, isolating your back muscles. Inhale and bend your right elbow, lifting the dumbbell close to your body. Exhale and relax, extending your arm fully toward the ground. Inhale and squeeze, exhale and extend.

Keep your elbow close to your body as you fully lift and engage your core. Repeat 12-15 times and do the same on the other side.

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Dumbbell Plank Pull Ups

Start in a plank position with a dumbbell directly under your chest. Take an inhalation and slide the dumbbell to the left with your left hand. Raise your right hand and reach for the dumbbell to slide it to the right. Repeat this movement 10 to 12 times and feel your abs and obliques burn each time you stretch.

If you want to take this exercise to the next level, instead of sliding the dumbbell up, lift it up and bring it to the side. Lifting the heavy dumbbell off the ground requires core strength and stability and will really add a challenge to your workout.

dumbbell triceps

Stand up, take the dumbbell in both hands, and bring it over your head so that it hangs over the space between your shoulder blades. Inhale and as you exhale, extend your arms over your head, extending your triceps. Inhale and bring the dumbbell back to the starting position.

Keep your elbows as parallel as you can and engage your core muscles so you really isolate your triceps. If you feel like your back is taking over and your form is being compromised, sit down. Repeat 12-15 times.

Dumbbell Russian Twist

Sit on the floor and bring your legs together, bending your knees. Take the dumbbell in both hands and bring it in front of your chest. Lean your body back slightly to engage your core and begin rotating the dumbbell from your left hip to the right, feeling your abs and obliques on fire.

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You can leave your feet on the ground or take it to the next level and lift your legs. If you do, bring your legs together so they feel like one big limb and isolate your core as much as possible to reap the benefits. Go for 20-30 spins.

If you’re more into kettlebells than dumbbells, try this training instead!

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