How To Find Joy in Exercising if You Hate Working Out | Well+Good

SIf you hate working out, well, you’re not alone. A recent study of 2,000 Americans who exercise frequently found that 50 percent don’t enjoy sweating. In fact, 34 percent say they’d rather wash dishes by hand for the rest of their lives, and 25 percent said texting their ex and even canceling their Netflix subscription for a year sounds more appealing.

But the fact of the matter is exercise is vital for your overall health and wellness Helps minimize the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes, as well as mental health disorders like depression and anxiety. In addition, new research shows that regular exercise saves four million lives each year and it can help you live longer. So even if you hate it, it’s worth figuring out a way to learn to love the movement. Here’s how to find joy in exercise if it doesn’t naturally trigger such feelings.

1. Fake it till you make it

While lying is usually not the answer, in this case, do it. “I have been lying to myself for years”, physical trainer katie austin He says. “Tell yourself that he is only going to move his body for five to 10 minutes. After that, if you feel good, keep going, and if not, at least you tried.” Either way, when the timer goes off, you’ll feel better for trying.

2. Make a schedule and stick to it

If you are someone who loves a routine, this trick can help you enjoy the exercise more, since you will have something to look forward to. “Most of the time, people hate their workouts because they don’t really know what they’re doing. A plan is key,” says Austin. “When I don’t feel particularly motivated during the week, I put my workouts on my calendar so I can plan them out.”

3. Get out your workout clothes the night before.

This is another of Austin’s favorite moves to get excited about working out, and she’s not the only one who finds it effective. A 2018 study of 2,000 regular gym goers found that nine in 10 respondents agreed that putting on her gym clothes it helped them feel motivated to exercise when they don’t feel like it.

4. Don’t do workouts you don’t like

This may seem obvious, but thanks to the “no pain, no gain” mentality that pervades fitness culture for so long, many people are still under the impression that exercise needs to feel punitive to be effective, and that just doesn’t. it’s true. You are more likely to stick to a long-term exercise routine if you find something you like to do in the first place.

5. Turn your movement practice into a gratitude practice.

“When you change the perspective of working out to feel good, everything changes, it’s a way of thinking,” says Austin. He tries to change his thought process to “I have to exercise” and “I have to move my body”, instead of “I have to”. Being able to feel grateful improves our overall happiness, according to science.

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