How To Increase Girth Size Permanently?

Learn how to naturally increase the size and girth of your penis with simple lifestyle changes and nutrition choices

Have you ever wondered how to increase girth size permanently? Many men are interested in enlarging their penis size, especially the girth. Fortunately, there are a few lifestyle changes you can make that can help you increase girth size permanently.

In this blog post, we will discuss the different ways you can increase your penis girth permanently.

Nutrition Choices to Increase Girth Size Permanently

Nutrition plays an important role in male sexual health and can help to increase girth size permanently. Eating a variety of nutrient-dense foods is important for overall health, but there are certain vitamins and minerals that are especially beneficial for penis health.

Zinc is one of the most important minerals for male health, and it helps in the production of testosterone which is responsible for increased sex drive and improved erection quality. Foods high in zinc include oysters, beef, eggs, peanuts, and fortified cereals.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps to improve circulation and blood flow to the penis. Foods high in vitamin E include avocados, sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, and sweet potatoes.

Amino acids are essential for increasing girth size because they help to build muscle mass which will add volume to the penis. Foods high in amino acids include fish, poultry, cheese, eggs, beans, and nuts.

Exercise Regimen to Increase Girth Size

Exercise is another important factor when it comes to increasing girth size permanently. This can include both cardiovascular exercise as well as specific exercises that target the pelvic floor muscles.

Cardiovascular exercise helps to increase blood flow throughout the body which can help with erections. This could include running, biking, swimming or any other form of aerobic exercise that gets your heart rate up.

The pelvic floor is made up of several muscles that support the pelvic organs and control bladder and bowel movements. Specific exercises such as kegels or jelqing can help to strengthen these muscles which can help with increasing girth size.

Kegels involve contracting the pelvic floor muscles then releasing them multiple times per day. This helps to strengthen these muscles which can lead to improved erections and better control over ejaculation.

Jelqing involves gently massaging the penis in an up and down motion which helps to increase blood flow and circulation to the area which can improve erections and add girth size over time when done regularly.

Penis Enlargement Supplements

Another option for increasing girth size permanently is taking natural supplements that are specifically formulated for penis enlargement. These supplements contain herbs such as ginseng, maca root, tribulus terrestris, and horny goat weed which have been shown to be effective in increasing testosterone levels and improving sexual performance naturally.

These supplements should be taken daily for best results and it is important to speak with your doctor before taking any supplement as some ingredients may interact with medications you may be taking or could cause adverse reactions in some individuals.

What are the Benefits of Increasing Girth Size Permanently?

Increase girth size permanently can be a great benefit to many men. Not only will it improve their self-confidence, but it can also increase their sexual stamina and pleasure. Additionally, it can help improve the overall health of the penis by making it stronger and healthier, as well as providing increased blood flow and circulation. Lastly, it can result in a better overall erection that can last longer than usual.

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What is the age limit for Pennis growth thicker?

Understanding the Age Limit for Penis Growth Thicker 

As men age, their penis can start to thin out and even shrink. This can be a cause for concern for many men, leading them to wonder what the age limit is for penis growth thicker. The truth is that there isn’t a strict age limit when it comes to penis growth. However, there are certain factors that can influence how much growth a man experiences in his penis.

For starters, it’s important to understand that the penis is made up of two parts: the corpora cavernosa and the corpus spongiosum. The corpora cavernosa is the part of the penis responsible for erection, while the corpus spongiosum is responsible for ejaculation. As men get older, these two parts can begin to deteriorate, leading to less blood flow and a thinner penis. This is why many men experience a decrease in their girth as they get older.

In addition to age, lifestyle factors can also play a role in penis growth. Men who exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight tend to have thicker penises than those who do not exercise or are overweight. Also, any type of damage to the penis can cause it to become thinner over time. This includes injuries from trauma or surgery and even chronic health conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure.

When it comes to age limit for penis growth, it’s important to understand that everyone’s body responds differently. Some men may experience an increase in their penis size as they get older due to improved blood circulation and healthier lifestyle habits. Others may not experience any changes at all.

In general, most studies suggest that penis growth won’t happen after the age of 30, although there are some exceptions. If a man has been taking good care of his body and wants to improve his penis size after this age, there are some options available. For example, certain medications like Viagra or Cialis can help improve blood flow and increase the size of the penis. Additionally, certain exercises like jelqing or stretching may be able to help improve girth as well. 

When considering any form of treatment for penis growth, it’s important to talk to your doctor first. They can provide advice on which methods may be safest and most effective for you, as well as any potential risks or side effects. Additionally, if you’re experiencing any symptoms that could indicate an underlying health condition, such as erectile dysfunction or pain during intercourse, you should see your doctor right away. 

The bottom line is that there isn’t one strict age limit when it comes to penis growth thicker. However, there are some things that you can do at any age to help improve blood flow and overall size of your penis. Talk with your doctor about what options may be best for you based on your overall health and lifestyle habits.

Real way to increase your size at home

Are you looking for real ways to increase the size of your penis permanently? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Having a larger penis can have many benefits, from improving your self-confidence and self-esteem, to increasing your sexual performance. It can even help you feel more confident in the bedroom. Unfortunately, many men struggle with insecurity about the size of their penis.

But before we get into how you can increase the size of your penis permanently, let’s take a look at some of the myths about penis size.

Myth #1: Penis Size Is All About Genetics

It’s true that genetics play a role in penis size, but it’s not the only factor. Your lifestyle and environment can also play a role in how large your penis is. For example, if you lead an unhealthy lifestyle or don’t exercise regularly, this can reduce penis size. In addition, certain medical conditions such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis can also affect penis size.

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Myth #2: You Can’t Increase Your Penis Size Naturally

Contrary to popular belief, you can increase your penis size naturally without medications or surgery. There are several ways to do this, including exercises, stretching techniques, and supplements.

Exercises: Exercises like jelqing and kegels can help increase the length and girth of your penis. By doing these exercises regularly, you can gradually increase the strength and size of your penis.

Stretching Techniques: Stretching techniques can also be used to increase the length and girth of your penis. This involves stretching the penis gently in different directions for several minutes at a time. Over time, this can help increase the length and girth of your penis.

Supplements: There are also various supplements available that claim to help increase the size of your penis naturally. However, it’s important to note that there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims. It’s best to speak to a doctor before taking any supplements to make sure they are safe for you.

Myth #3: Penis Pumps Are The Best Way To Increase Penis Size

Penis pumps are often advertised as a way to increase penis size quickly and easily, but this is not true. The results from using a penis pump are temporary and may not be permanent. In addition, overuse of a penis pump can lead to damage of the sensitive tissues in the penis which can lead to erectile dysfunction and decreased sexual performance.

So now that we’ve debunked some myths about increasing penis size naturally, let’s take look at some real ways to do it.

1) Lose Weight: Excess body fat can cover up part of the shaft of your penis which makes it appear smaller than it actually is. Losing weight will help make your penis appear larger by exposing more of its length and girth.

2) Exercise Regularly: Exercise helps keep your body healthy and fit which can help improve blood flow throughout your body including your penis. Improved blood flow helps increase the strength and size of your penis over time.

3) Eat Healthily: Eating a healthy diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables helps keep your body healthy which can lead to better sexual performance and an improved sex life. Foods high in antioxidants like berries and dark leafy greens are especially beneficial for improving blood flow throughout the body including your penis.

4) Get Enough Sleep: Getting enough sleep helps keep your body healthy which helps improve blood flow throughout your body including your penis which can lead to increased strength and size over time.

5) Avoid Smoking And Drinking: Smoking and drinking both decrease blood flow throughout your body which can decrease the size of your penis over time. Avoiding these habits will help keep blood flowing throughout your body including your penis which will help it stay strong and healthy over time.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to having a larger and stronger penis permanently without needing medications or surgery!

What is the size of healthy Pennis?

When it comes to the size of a man’s penis, there is a great deal of uncertainty and confusion. Many men worry that they are too short or too small, while others are satisfied with their size. In this blog, we’ll explore the average size of a penis and the factors that influence it. We’ll also look at how to measure penis size and whether or not size really matters. 

What is a Healthy Penis Size? 

When it comes to penis size, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. A healthy penis size is different for each person. Generally speaking, however, a penis is considered healthy and normal if it can get and maintain an erection, and if it allows for penetration during sex.

Overview of Average Penis Size 

The average size of a penis when erect is around 5.16 inches in length and 4.5 inches in girth. However, this is just an average and there can be variations in size depending on several factors, including genetics and hormones. 

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Factors That Affect Penis Size 

There are several factors that can influence penis size, including genetics, hormones, and age. Genetics plays a significant role, as some men may inherit genes from their parents that affect their penis size. Hormones can also play a role, as testosterone levels can impact penis growth during puberty. Age can also be a factor, as the penis may shrink in size with age as the amount of connective tissue decreases over time. 

How to Measure Penis Size 

When measuring penis size, it’s important to consider both length and girth. Length is measured from the tip of the penis to the base of the shaft. Girth is measured around the circumference of the shaft at its widest point. 

Does Penis Size Matter? 

When it comes to physical satisfaction during sex, some research suggests that certain positions may be more comfortable if you have a larger-than-average penis size. However, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that one size is better than another when it comes to providing physical pleasure during sex. 

As for psychological effects, some research suggests that men who feel they have an abnormally small penis may experience distress or anxiety related to their size or sexual performance. However, this psychological effect is not necessarily linked directly to actual penis size but rather to how men feel about their own penis size in comparison to other men’s sizes. 


In conclusion, we’ve explored the average size of a penis and the factors that influence it. We’ve also looked at how to measure penis size and whether or not size really matters when it comes to physical satisfaction during sex and psychological effects. Generally speaking, the average erect penis is 5.16 inches in length and 4.5 inches in girth. However, there are many variations in size depending on factors such as genetics, hormones, age, and more. Ultimately, it’s up to each individual man to decide what he feels comfortable with in terms of his own penis size.

how to increase girth size permanently surgery

Penile girth enhancement surgery is a procedure that involves injecting fat or tissue into the penis to increase its circumference permanently. However, it is important to note that this surgery carries risks and potential complications, and should only be considered after thorough research and consultation with a qualified healthcare professional.


Increasing your girth size permanently is possible with some simple lifestyle changes and nutrition choices. Eating a variety of nutrient-dense foods rich in zinc, vitamin E, and amino acids can help improve blood flow and circulation to the penis which can lead to improved erections over time. Exercise is another important factor when it comes to increasing girth size as it helps to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles which can lead to improved performance in bed. Additionally, natural supplements formulated for penis enlargement may be beneficial for increasing girth size permanently as long as they are taken according to directions and on a regular basis.


Is it good to erect everyday?

It is not necessary to engage in sexual activity every day, but it can be a healthy and enjoyable part of a relationship if both partners are comfortable with it.

What is Girth Size and How Does it affect Sexual Performance?

Girth size refers to the circumference of the penis. It can affect sexual performance by providing more stimulation to the vaginal walls during penetration.

Is it possible to enlarge Pennis size?

There are methods such as exercise, surgery, and devices that claim to increase penis size, but their effectiveness is not guaranteed and they may have risks or side effects. It is important to consult with a medical professional before attempting any of these methods.

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