How To Prevent Diabetes: The number of diabetes patients is increasing year by year. Statistics from the World Health Organization show that from the year 1980 to 2014, there has been a 300 percent increase in the number of people suffering from diabetes. While in some years this increase has seen a more rapid increase. There are some reasons like genetics, poor lifestyle, eating unhealthy food, lack of exercise, etc., which cause the problem of diabetes in the body.
It is not that those who eat healthy food cannot get this disease. If they take any kind of carelessness regarding health, then they can also be at risk of getting diabetes. However, just like there is medicine for every disease, there are many ways to prevent diabetes. If you take care of your diet, then you will be able to reduce the risk associated with diabetes to a great extent.
stay safe from diabetes
Eat whole grains instead of refined grains
Whole grains have more fiber than refined grains. Fiber provides minerals and phytochemicals to the body, which helps in controlling sugar spikes. Not only diabetes, it can prevent the dangers associated with many diseases.
Include healthy fat in your diet
Healthy fats prevent bad cholesterol from increasing and also work to keep the blood sugar level stable. You can include healthy fats such as organic A2 ghee, avocado, coconut, olives, nuts and seeds in your diet. With their help, the risk of diabetes can be prevented to a great extent.
avoid sugar
For diabetic patients, sugar is like poison. If you want to keep the sugar level stable, then minimize the consumption of sugar. Soda, fruit juice, iced tea and sweets etc. all these things can increase the risk of diabetes. It has been found in a study that if more sweet things are eaten daily, there is a 32 percent increase in diabetes.
keep weight under control
Excess weight can also sometimes cause the problem of diabetes. Being overweight increases the risk of diabetes by up to 20 times. If you want to protect yourself from the dangers associated with diabetes, then first bring the weight under control.
Include protein in your diet
Protein-rich food can save you from the risk of diabetes. However, you have to avoid consuming processed meat and high-fat red meat. Because it can increase the sugar level. Instead of these you can choose to eat lean protein food items like chicken, eggs and fish. It is also advisable to eat nuts and seeds at least 3 times a week.
be physically active
Make exercise a part of your routine. Because being physically active not only helps in keeping the weight under control, but also keeps diabetes under control. Exercise also plays an important role in keeping many diseases away.
eat a balanced diet
The body needs all the essential nutrients to function properly. Therefore, make a habit of eating a balanced diet, so that your body gets complete nutrition. This can help in keeping oneself safe from many diseases including diabetes.
Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.
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