Hunter Labrada Talks Best Chest Exercises for Growth, Fixing Muscle Imbalances, and More

Suppose you follow the bodybuilder Guild Hunter on YouTube and Instagram. In that case, you know he’s always willing to answer fans’ questions and offer advice on how to make continuous improvements in the gym.

During his latest “Saturday Q&A” video from September 3, 2022, Labrada answered a number of questions, including how to grow taller chestthe best lateral deltoid exerciseand if a body-builder can (and should) drink alcohol in the off season. Check it out:

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How to make your chest grow

It’s one of the most common questions asked in gyms and on message boards around the world: How do I get a bigger chest? So it was inevitable that Labrada would board it one day. The key, she says, is less about the amount of weight you are moving and more about the form and selection of exercises.

“I see with a lot of people, whenever their chests are lagging, [it’s because] they are too concerned with how much weight they are using and are using much more triceps and front delts than in the chest,” says Labrada.

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Instead of looking at your one repetition maximum as the best tool for breast growth, suggests Labrada concentrating on his range of motion and tapping exercises that optimize the pecs. He suggests these four:

Although it does not give strict repetitions or fixed amounts, it does mention that you must shoot to miss sets in the range of 10 to 12 repetitions.

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Labrada’s Favorite Side Deltoid Exercise

This one was simple: For her favorite lateral deltoid exercise, Labrada brings up the chest-supported Y-raise that she does during every exercise. insert session. For this move, set up a adjustable bench at a nearly vertical angle, so that the pad is facing a cable machine. Next, place the wrist strap accessories on the cables, facing away from the machine, and pass opposite hands through the wrist straps.

While facing the bench, position yourself with the cables behind your back. Next, stand on the bench and rest your chest against the pad. To carry out side raises With both arms, extend them as high as you can and lower them to your sides. Keep your chest pressed against the pad at all times. Watch the tutorial at the 26 minute mark in the video above.

Bodybuilding and alcoholic beverages

Labrada was asked if a bodybuilder would enjoy alcohol during the low season. And while he knows bodybuilders who drink regularly, he says it’s obviously not optimal to overindulge, even when you’re not. preparing for a show In general, moderation and common sense reign above all else.

“Personally, I treat my offseason as a preparation when it comes to the fact that I’m not drinking alcohol or doing anything that impedes my recovery,” says Labrada. “At the end of the day, how seriously do you want to take it?”

One thing he does drink, however, is zero-calorie beverages like Gatorade Zero and Powerade Zero. Although he says that his coach could take him out Artificial sweeteners near the Olympia, these drinks keep you full and help you get your fluids.

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Fix a muscle imbalance

When the matter to fix muscle imbalances emerged, Labrada says it’s about concentrating on forced repetitions and little by little matching both sides.

[Know] which side is the weakest [and start] with that side [to get] your representative extra forced. When you go to the strong side, just even out the reps.

Find an exercise, like hammer curls – where you can get a solid 10 reps and a forced rep on your weak arm. On your strongest arm, match that with 11 reps. Even if it’s easier on your stronger arm, your weak side will soon catch up after a few weeks, says Labrada.

[Related: Smash Imbalances and Weaknesses With Functional Symmetry]

If there are more than two or three reps of discrepancy between the sides, Labrada suggests adding an independent set or two with the weak side to bring it up to speed.

The next bodybuilding fair in Labrada will be the 2022 Mr. Olympia contest December 16-18, 2022 in Las Vegas, NV.

Featured Image: @hunterlabrada on Instagram

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