Hypertension diet: The food type proven to help with weight loss and lower blood pressure

reducing your Reading is a protective measure against , stroke, kidney disease, eye disease, and cognitive impairment. By far the most effective means of lowering high blood pressure is through a healthy diet and losing weight with a type of food that does just that.

In a study published in the National Library of Health, the effect of dietary legumes on blood pressure (BP) was analyzed.

The study found that dietary legumes lower BP through several mechanisms.

It is due to its high content of fiber, vegetable protein and potassium, all of which give it hypotensive effects.

The study recommended that replacing starchy foods with dietary legumes, which have a low glycemic index, may also facilitate weight loss, likely contributing to lower blood pressure.

“The claim that weight loss occurs is associated with dietary legume consumption, which also contributed to BP reductions,” the study noted.

The power of potassium

Potassium helps the kidneys remove sodium from our systems, which in turn can cause our blood pressure to drop.

The more potassium you eat, the more sodium you will lose through urine.

Potassium also helps relieve tension in the blood vessel walls, which helps lower blood pressure even more.

Increasing potassium through the diet is recommended for adults with blood pressure greater than 120/80 who are otherwise healthy.

Salt is the biggest culprit in diets

The UK Dietitians Association (BDA) said: “Most people eat far more salt than they need.

“We should all aim to reduce the amount of salt (or sodium chloride) we eat.

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“Adults should consume no more than six grams of salt a day, that’s about a teaspoon.

“It is the sodium in salt that contributes to high blood pressure and it is present in all types of salt, including sea salt, flakes, crystals and flavored salt.”

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