Hypothyroidism: 6-Step Routine to Manage Thyroid Level at Home

Discipline in any aspect can take us a long way. Similarly, having a disciplined and dedicated routine or lifestyle habits can help manage thyroid levels.

Thyroid is increasingly being seen in India. Thyroid glands majorly help to produce hormones that help to regulate metabolism. Deficiency or overproduction of the same can affect our everyday energy levels, weight gain or weight loss and other health aspects as well. While there is no guaranteed cure for it, hypothyroidism can surely be managed with proper lifestyle dietary habits, exercise and more.

Here are a few everyday habits that people living with thyroid may inculcate in their everyday lifestyle to better manage it naturally at home. It is important to maintain a disciplined schedule for managing thyroid.


  1. Have a Nutrient Rich Diet: First meal- of the day should be rich in fiber, protein and minerals. It helps to keep the stomach full longer and reduces unhealthy food cravings that can affect thyroid levels.
  2. Exercise Everyday: Regular exercise can help to lower thyroid symptoms. It helps with metabolism, boosts energy and is good for strengthening other body parts as well.
  3. Be Active: Being physically active is also important. Due to low energy caused by the thyroid, it is important to keep the self-occupied. Refrain from staying in one position or at one place for a longer duration.
  4. Stress Management: Practice meditation, yoga or breathing exercises to bring a sense of calm and composure to life. Too much stress may lead to slowing down your metabolism and imbibe a sense of sluggishness.
  5. Have a Sleep Schedule: Having 7-8 hours of good quality sleep is important for the thyroid glands to release and regulate hormones. Because the thyroid affects fatigue and energy, it is important to have enough sleep.
  6. Have a Gut-Friendly Diet: Include probiotics and other gut-friendly foods that promote good gut microbe. It will further influence the absorption of minerals and vitamins that affect the thyroid levels everyday.
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However, thyroid levels differ for individuals. It is best to take advise from a doctor and chart out proper course fo action, lifestyle changes and touritnes.

Published Date: September 12, 2023 5:04 PM IST

Updated Date: September 12, 2023 5:07 PM IST




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