I did 50 sumo squats every day for a week — here’s what happened

I regularly add squats to my training regimen, but I hadn’t tried the sumo squat until my editor asked (told me) to try it for a week. And let me assure you that if you really want to work your glutes and inner thighs, this is the one. i am a convert

What is a sumo squat?

The sumo squat is named after the wide stance taken by a sumo wrestler just before colliding with an equally gigantic opponent and attempting to push him into the front row of spectators. It works the glutes, quads, hips, hamstrings, and particularly the inner thighs (adductors). He also hits the calves (although he may not notice it as you’ll be distracted by the fact that your thighs are on fire) and you’ll need to engage your core to maintain form. In short, it is an excellent exercise for the lower body.

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