I regularly add squats to my training regimen, but I hadn’t tried the sumo squat until my editor asked (told me) to try it for a week. And let me assure you that if you really want to work your glutes and inner thighs, this is the one. i am a convert
The sumo squat is named after the wide stance taken by a sumo wrestler just before colliding with an equally gigantic opponent and attempting to push him into the front row of spectators. It works the glutes, quads, hips, hamstrings, and particularly the inner thighs (adductors). He also hits the calves (although he may not notice it as you’ll be distracted by the fact that your thighs are on fire) and you’ll need to engage your core to maintain form. In short, it is an excellent exercise for the lower body.
In terms of form, it is not as easy as it seems; however, once you get comfortable with the mechanics of the move, you’ll almost certainly stick with it. You should start out using just your bodyweight, but you may want to add a dumbbell or kettlebell as you go. review the best adjustable dumbbells to exercise at home here, as well as the best home gym equipment .
How do you do a sumo squat?
If you’re new to squatting, you should start with the regular front squat before moving on to this one. Walk before you run, squat before you sumo squat. When you’re ready, stand with your feet wider than hip-width apart. (Later, you can experiment with this distance to find your limit while maintaining form.) Now angle your toes away from your body, point at about 45 degrees. Look down at your knees to make sure they are still directly over your feet.
Now, with your core engaged and your hands loosely clasped at chest height, push your hips back and bend your knees to lower into a squat. Keep your back straight at all times and look straight ahead. Continue lowering until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Engage your glutes and drive through your heels to return to the starting position, exhaling as you rise. That is a repetition. Start with three sets of 10.
(Image credit: Shutterstock)
I Did 50 Sumo Squats Every Day For A Week – Here’s What Happened
I confess I was initially indifferent to this move, so I ran through my first set, thinking my form would automatically be fine. In the end, though, I didn’t feel like I had challenged my glutes any more than I would in a normal squat, and I didn’t feel anything in my adductors at all. I decided to pretend that the first day hadn’t happened while I continued to absorb the lesson.
On the first actual day, I set up properly, with my legs a bit more spread, and lowered more slowly for the first few reps to make sure my knees stayed in line with my feet. I also made sure to engage my glutes as I went up, instead of letting the momentum and my quads carry the load. And it worked. In particular, I noticed the strain on my gluteus medius (the upper gluteus), quadriceps, and adductors.
On day two, I decided to hold the squat for a couple of seconds before getting up. I’m sure he joined the training. It’s tempting to slip into a rhythm with this move, squatting down and getting up without thinking about form, but you’ll only get the benefit if you focus. Watch for your knees to move to the left or right, or over the tops of your toes, make sure you push through your heels and don’t be tempted to throw a hip thrust into the upper part of the movement. Keep it smooth from start to finish.
By the third day I was happy with my form, so I added an additional 10 reps. I was a bit wobbly for a moment when I was done, but that seemed like the right result. I was also feeling movement deeper in my adductors, which don’t get as much attention as they deserve.
On day four, I went deeper into the squat, which intensified the level of effort—I was gasping for air by the end. I decided more variation was needed, so on day five I threw in a little jump at the top of the squat. If you try this, make sure you land softly on your toes and don’t sacrifice form. It’s a great way to combine cardio and strength exercises; if you’re making it at home, stay away from chandeliers. Of course, if you have chandeliers, you probably also have someone to do the jumping for you.
On day six, I did the move while holding a 10-pound (4.5-kg) weight. You can either hold the dumbbell/kettlebell to your chest using both hands, like I did, or let your arms hang between your legs as you lower the weight down.
On day seven I tried it with weight. Y the jump at the top. Only do this if you’re completely sure of your form, it’s hard.
The sumo squat is a powerful and rewarding move, and the option to add a cardio element makes it even more appealing. I could feel the effect on my glutes and inner thighs for hours afterward and find that kind of temporary post-exercise tightness soothing. It will develop strength, build muscle and ensure that you never groan when you get up from a chair again.
Looking for more exercise inspiration? Read what happened when I did 30 supermans for a week here and when i added 50 Russian twists to my daily workout for a week .