I did a 3-minute hollow hold every day for a week — here’s what happened to my abs

One of my least favorite moves when it comes to my Pilates classes? The hollow dam This one sounds relatively simple—sit on your sit bones with your arms and legs raised—but it’s an isometric exercise with a lot of value for your money, and it really works your core hard.

like many of the The best Pilates abdominal exercises., the hollow hold strengthens the abdominal muscles while also working the muscles of the lower back. When done correctly, the hollow hold works the transversus abdominis (the deepest core muscles), the rectus abdominis (the outer ‘six-pack’ muscles), and the obliques, as well as the erector spinae, flexors hip, quadriceps and inner thighs. To get more information and really dig into the exercise, I did a three-minute hollow hold every day for a week; read on to find out what happened.

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