I hit rock bottom: Belfast funeral director’s mental health journey

An East Belfast man has opened up about his battle with his mental health in a bid to help others in a similar situation.

Andrew Crymble, who works as a funeral director in his family business, said he has seen the effects of mental health and suicide both in your work life and in your personal life.

In a dare to help spark conversation that is often taboo, the Cregagh Road the man is spending seven days with a medicine ball chained to his wrist, with the medicine ball portraying the weight and burden that mental health can have on society.

Speaking to Belfast Live, Andrew says he hit rock bottom in 2020, but now feels more comfortable reaching out for help.

“As a naive 17-year-old man, I thought mental health was for people who wanted attention,” the 40-year-old said.

“My message now, that I want to get out, is that there is nothing in this world that cannot be fixed, revised or fixed. With my own mental health, my darkest moments began in January 2020 and continued until October 2020.” the same year.

“Things took a real downturn then, it was tough. You always see this image of a man with a mask on and he’s happy and when he takes the mask off you see the real picture. That was me.

“I’m essentially a salesman, and I could always put on a brave front and a different face. I could speak to people in a particular way, an appropriate way to connect with them. But there were nights when I would go home and get into bed and cry. She did it every night.

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“Ironically, my kids’ favorite songs are Avicii’s songs and that’s because when I was feeling down, I would listen to his songs because the words really connected with me.

“There were nights when my children would hug me and kiss me at night and say ‘everything is going to be okay, dad’.

Andrew has welcomed the support of local businesses.

“It got to a point where I felt so bad that I said goodbye to my kids. I drove to a nearby quarry and drove to a cliff. I had to jump over a fence, it was raining and the fence was electric, so it shocked me.

“I took a step back and thought, ‘What are you doing, Andrew?'”

Looking back on those dark days, Andrew says he now feels better mentally and feels like he’s getting better at talking openly about his experiences.

With the help and guidance of his brother, who Andrew says is like a father to him, Andrew is getting the help he needs.

And this week, men, women and children have stopped him, asking him why he has the medicine ball attached to a chain and to his wrist.

“I’ve been getting some stares,” Andrew added.

“And anyone who has asked me, I’ve told them. Some have thought I’m at a bachelor party, and this is part of that.”

“In my line of work, as a funeral director, I have seen firsthand the ripple effect that mental health and suicide can have on a family circle. It’s awful. I don’t want people to go through that.

Finaghy companies have endorsed Andrew’s challenge

“I want to talk as much as I can about this, I’ll bore people talking about mental health, but I’m also here to listen. I’ve been blessed, in the last year, with people who have opened up to me.”

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“Sharing a problem, sometimes, is enough. Just getting it off your chest with someone who is non-judgmental and not connected to you, that can really help.

“There is no one in this world who is not loved, but when you are in that dark place you feel that no one loves or cares about you, and that you are worthless. Today I know that my children love me madly. I did not think that before” .

The challenge you’re doing will effectively end on Wednesday night, where you’ll pass it on to someone else who wants to complete it.

For more information about The Medicine Ball Challenge, or to donate, please follow this link.

Anyone who needs to talk to someone about mental health issues can call the samaritans in 116123 or Life line about 0808 808 8000 .

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