I just tried Lily James’ 600-rep ab workout — here’s what happened

As a fitness editor, there’s nothing I love more than uncovering a celebrity’s workout secrets, especially when it comes to transformations for a role. I have already written about home workouts that Lily James used for her transformation from Pam and Tommybut recently, I saw TikTok blow up with another one of James’ workouts, and it involves doing 600 sit-ups.

In an interview with cosmopolitan uk (opens in a new tab)James said: “We trained five times a week; running, circuits, weights, working out in the gym and on the track. It was a crazy time. When I first had to lift weights, do squats and run for ten minutes, I was knackered and wanted to throw up.” However, he also said, “I got really obsessed with abs! Every time the Director yelled ‘cut!’ I was there on the ground hitting them. We had to do like 600 different types of sit-ups a day, so my stomach changed more, you end up looking healthier and stronger,” which seems to be where TikTok got this challenge from.

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