I want to lose fat and have more energy. A dietitian said to eat a bigger breakfast and protein-rich snacks.

  • A 51-year-old woman submitted an average day’s worth of feedings to be reviewed by Insider Nutrition Clinic.
  • She said her goals are to lose weight, have more energy, sleep better, stay fit and maintain muscle.
  • One dietitian said to eat a larger breakfast and add protein and fiber to snacks.
  • If you want an expert to review your diet, Complete this form.
  • The advice in this article is not a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment.

Sheri, 51, submitted her feeding routine to Insider Nutrition Clinicwhere registered dietitians and nutritionists offer advice on readers’ eating habits.

She told Insider her goals are to lose belly fat and 20 to 30 pounds overall, have more energy, sleep better, stay fit, and maintain or increase bone density and muscle mass.

Sheri does six Peloton spin classes (at least 20 minutes each time) and two 10-minute arm workouts a week, and tries to get up from his desk regularly, he said.

He works both from home and from his office, and as a result, his eating patterns vary.

registered dietitian jaclyn london told Insider that Sheri’s diet lacks consistency and that she should have a nutritious breakfast every day, as well as regular high-protein snacks.

Sheri skips breakfast when working from home

Sheri drinks iced green tea and water throughout the day, and London said it’s great to stay hydrated. However, Sheri needs to make sure that her green tea is not sweetened with sugar, as this is where calories can creep into her diet.

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On work-from-home days, Sheri doesn’t eat until noon when she has leftovers from the night before; or a toasted bagel with an egg, a slice of cheese and tomato sauce; or a milkshake.

On office days, she eats gluten-free cookies, Pop-Tarts or “something else prepackaged” around 9:30 a.m., she said.

A bigger breakfast can boost energy

London said that Sheri should have a nutritious breakfast in the morning, regardless of where you are working.

On work-from-home days, London recommended increasing the volume of her breakfast to provide more protein and fiberand increase satiety, like two eggs on a whole-wheat muffin with cheese and fresh tomato slices.

Having a larger breakfast increases energy and can lead to healthier choices later in the day because it’s filling, London said.

“On office days, I would try to have a similar mix of protein, healthy, fiber-filled carbs with some healthy fats,” she said, suggesting peanut butter and banana on whole-grain toast or a veggie omelet to go with toast. integral. .

“Breakfast Pop-Tarts or crackers is much less satisfying, since it only consists of refined carbohydrates which can create swings in blood sugar and make Sheri feel less energetic, less focused and probably a bit ‘hung out’ for the rest of the day,” London said.

Sheri snacks throughout the day.

Sheri typically eats vegan snacks of cheese, apples, fruit roll-ups or chocolate, she said.

London said apples are a great nutritious option, but Sheri should try to plan snacks that combine protein and fiber to keep her full and increase energy.

She suggests an apple with nut butter, nuts with a piece of fruit, or low fat cheese with whole grain crackers.

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Sheri has salad or takeout for lunch

On office days, Sheri orders a salad with turkey, hard-boiled eggs and zero-calorie dressing, or she orders a sandwich, burger or burrito, she said.

London said salad is a good option, and Sheri should try to make sure she eats fruit or vegetables with every meal to create a healthy diet without feeling restrictive, London said.

“It will add more volume and fiber to meals and snacks, more nutrients, and new flavors and textures to make meals more delicious and satisfying,” he said.

Sheri has chicken, rice, and salad for dinner.

Sheri usually eats chicken or turkey with rice or potatoes and a green salad for dinner, or leftovers from her work lunch, she said. Sheri has a glass of wine most nights.

London said Sheri dinner is exactly the kind of food she recommendsthanks to lean protein, grains or starchy vegetables, and leafy or other vegetables.

“I also like that you end the day with a glass of wine, as long as you control it and don’t slowly work your way up to one bottle of wine a night,” London said. “A glass of wine a day (and with meals) can contribute to an overall health-promoting eating pattern.”

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